Chapter 27: Smackdown in the front desk

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A month had passed and it was now early June and everyone was getting ready for the annual Abby Lee Dance Company concert, which is usually held in June every year and since Ava and Jeanette were cut from the team, Christy, the mother of Sarah H has been picking fights with not only Abby, but Andrew as well.

At the front desk, Abby was coming from Studio A and behind her was Andrew, who was sweating from rehearsing his performance for the rap song he wrote and recorded and sat down at the front desk.

"Andrew, you did very well in your rehearsal for your rap performance for this upcoming saturday night." Abby said as she handed him some water that she got for him and he got a paper towel and wiped the sweat off.

"Yeah, working hard is what gets everyone ready." Andrew admitted, slightly out of breath from rehearsing his performance.

"If you continue to do well, you'll blow everyone else out of the water."

Then coming from the viewing room was Tracey, Erin, Loree, Krista, Leonora, and Jodi and they wanted to ask them about Christy.

"Abby, we've got a question for you and your son." Leonora said.

"Ask away." Abby stated.

"How did Christy convince you two to give Sarah H another chance after what happened between you, her and Andrew?" Jodi asked them.


"Christy, did you just call me and my mother stupid?!" Andrew angrily asked.

"Well if your brain is smaller than a popcorn, you better believe i'm calling you two stupid." Christy sneered.

"Sarah, due to your mother's big mouth calling us stupid, she has forced us to pull your solo!" Abby told Sarah H calmly. "She's done, she is finished because of you!"

Sarah H started to cry as Christy comforted her, Abby and Andrew knew that Christy was starting to turn into Jeanette.

*Flashback over*

"Sarah H has something very special and we know she is talented." Andrew told them. "But it's her crazy mother that's causing her to lose a chance on being a part of the ALDC."

"So, if she were to do it again at the Abby Lee Dance Company recital, what would you two do?" Krista asked them.

"Well we talked about it and agreed that if she tried anything like that again, then we would give her and Sarah H the boot like Ava and Jeanette." Abby responded, but in the back of her mind, she and her son couldn't wait to give Christy the boot.

"In the event that you do pull her solo for the recital, you could just put Tea' into it, she's been watching and she knows the solo." Tami said.

"Or maybe you could give it to Kamryn." Jodi suggested. "What do you think?"

"Well, we have been thinking about and we'll let you know what we decide on what to do." Abby told them, then Christy came to the front desk.

"I've been overhearing that all of you were walking about trying to replace my daughter and have someone else do her solo, seriously?!" Christy barked.

"Well, that's good to know." Andrew said as he, Abby and the moms of the new team all nodded.

"You are all just jealous, including you Andrew!"

"Do you think we're jealous of you?!" Loree asked.

"You should learn how to keep your mouth shut and not talk back to Abby and Andrew, that's why Ava and Jeanette got kicked out!" Erin told her.

Back For More (Sequel to Just Another Season, Dance Moms Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora