Chapter 28: Revenge from last year!

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At the studio the next day, the girls were rehearsing for the upcoming Abby Lee Dance Company concert, which would be that saturday night, then Andrew poked his head into Studio A.

"Gia, i don't mean to interrupt your rehearsal but i have a surprise for you guys and i'll know you'll enjoy it." Andrew stated as Gianna looked at her boyfriend with a confused look.

"Andrew, what do you have up your sleeve?" Chloe asked.

"Why don't you come outside and see for yourself?" Andrew stated as he headed back outside.

"I wonder what Andrew is up to?" Asia wondered.

"Well, maybe we should see what he has for us." Kalani said as she, the rest of the girls, the moms all came outside to see what was going on.

Outside, to their surprise, there was a dunk tank and in the dunk tank was Abby, who was tricked by her son to go in, because last year, she made him go into the dunk tank and her feet were in the water.

"Look, it's Abby in the dunk tank!" Kelly teased.

"So that's what Andrew was trying to tell us, he wanted to get payback on Abby for making him get into the dunk tank last year."

"You realize that my son conned me into going into the dunk tank!" Abby yelled from inside the dunk tank.

"I'm going first!" Maddie said.

"Ok, Maddie, hit me with your best shot!" Abby dared her dancer as her heart pounded even when she said it to her.

"You asked for it, Miss Abby!" Maddie exclaimed as she threw the ball on her first attempt, it nearly hit the target, but went slightly above it.

"Try again when you learn how to throw!" Abby heckled as Maddie stood with the other girls after failing to dunk her dance teacher, then Nia stepped up to the line, but she failed on her attempts as well, even Asia, when she had a chance to dunk Abby, she had missed.

"Oh, man! I couldn't dunk her!" Asia sulked after she had failed on her attempts to dunk Abby.

"Sorry, you'll get it right when you get bigger!" Abby taunted, even the other girls, their moms, Gianna, Jennine, Rachel and James couldn't hit the target as Abby continued to laugh and taunt them, thinking that she couldn't be dunked.

"Andrew, you're our only hope, please make one of those throws count." Brooke stated.

"Please hit the target." Mackenzie said.

"Don't worry about it, girls." Andrew stated. "I got this."

"Oh no, I'm in deep trouble!" Abby taunted with a look of mock terror on her face as she saw Andrew ready to make his attempt to dunk her. "My son is coming to get me!"

"This is gonna be good." Gianna stated.

"Oh, yeah. I want to see the look on Abby's face when she gets dunked." Jennine added.

Andrew got a ball and was ready to throw as he gripped the ball with a evil grin on his face, he began to prepare his throw by winding up like a pitcher in baseball and kept his eye on the target.

"I'll suggest you get out of the way, the minute he throws that ball, it might hit one of you upside your heads! I don't think it's gonna even go over the target or even hit the target! He throws like--"

Abby's taunting was cut short with a yell when she felt the seat disappear from under her as she was sent plunging into the water and it was cold as Andrew was clutching his six pack from laughing so hard and even Gianna, Jennine, Rachel, James, the moms and the girls squealed and laughed as well.

"YES! i got my revenge!" Andrew cheered after he had just dunked his mother, and he did the moonwalk and did a little dance routine.

"Nice throw, Andrew." Melissa said as she high fived him.

"Great job, Andrew!" Cheered Holly.

"Miss Abby got dunked!" Mackenzie chortled.

Getting out of the tank, Abby's glare was still on her son, who was still doing a victory dance as water was falling from her hair down to her face and she came down the stairs, putting her bare feet on a towel, her clothes were soaked and her makeup was ruined.

"Well, you were laughing at us, but when Andrew got you, we're laughing now!" Paige exclaimed proudly with tears of laughter falling from her eyes, everyone shed tears of laughter as well.

Abby then walked over to her son with a glare on her face as Andrew had a feeling that she was gonna kick his butt, but instead, she wrapped her arms around Andrew, engulfing him in a hug, Andrew struggled as he felt the cold water getting on his clothes, but Abby wouldn't even let him go.

"Mom, i love you, but you're squeezing the life out of me, pretty please let me go with a cake on top?" Andrew pleaded as the moms and the girls laughed so hard.

"Well, since you said please....ok!" Abby exclaimed as she lifted her son up and carried him to the dunk tank with an evil smile on her face.

"I've got a feeling that Abby's gonna throw him into the dunk tank." Christi said.

"From the way Abby is carrying him to the dunk tank, i think she just may." Melissa agreed.

"Poor Andrew." Nia said as she and the girls recorded that moment.

"Mom, do you realize i am soaking wet from you hugging me?!" Andrew stated as she carried him to the dunk tank, sat him down on the chair and headed back to where the target was, then she pressed it and Andrew fell into the dunk tank as everyone laughed so hard, then when they saw him surface with a glare as he got

"Uh-Oh..." Asia cringed, seeing that look that Andrew was giving.

"Game's over!" Abby shouted as she made a break for it.

"LAUGH AT ME, WILL YOU?!" Andrew shouted as he chased everybody.

"Uh-Oh, Andrew's on the loose! Run for your lives!" Chloe exclaimed in a joking manner as Everyone ran from Andrew while he continued to chase them.

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