Chapter 43: Before the Showdown

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It was 8:00 am and it was Saturday, which meant that Nationals was that day, the sun was shining high in the sky with a few clouds and people were either fishing or doing some exercises as cars and buses were going down the street.

In Andrew's hotel room, Andrew was asleep in the bed with a sleep mask over his eyes, then his cell phone alarm went off as he started to wake up. He reached his phone and turned off his cell phone and took off his sleep mask, then he rubbed his eyes and yawned.

He then got out of the bed and walked to the bathroom to get ready for Nationals to see the girls potentially win their fourth National Title and jumped into the shower, which took four minutes and brushed his teeth. After he was finished, Andrew put his hair gel on his hair to make it look shiny and slick and he left the bathroom.

Then Andrew went to the closet to see what he was gonna wear to Nationals and after he looked closely, he chose a black button up short sleeved shirt, black jeans and men's slip on shoes, then he put his long hair into a ponytail and he put his clothes on and did some cleaning in the room.

He then grabbed his cell phone, card key and mp3 player and left his hotel room and walked to the door of his mother's room and knocked on the door three times and eight seconds later, the door opened and Abby was standing at the door wearing curlers in her hair, a robe and slippers and on the table in her room were two plates, one had Bacon, Eggs and Waffles and on the other plate was toast, pancakes and hash browns.

"Good morning, mother dear."

"Good morning, sweetie." Abby said, giving her son a hug and then he gave her a kiss on her cheek. "I made breakfast and i knew you were coming. Would you like to join me?"

"Yes, please."

Abby allowed Andrew to enter her hotel room and they both sat down and began eating breakfast, Andrew was eating the Bacon, Eggs and Waffles as Abby was eating the Toast, Pancakes and Hash Browns.

"You look handsome today, Andrew." Abby stated, seeing her son wearing his black short sleeved button up shirt, black jeans and shoes.

"Thanks, mom." Andrew responded. "Today is the day, it's my favorite day, Nationals."

"Yes it is, after a year of hard work and competition, it all comes down to Nationals. What did you think of the Select Ensemble team we brought in to challenge the original team?"

"I think they are very talented, but some of the moms on that team is crazier than the original moms, especially Christy, she keeps saying that the ALDC is her studio, but i think she's deluded, only you can decide who's on the team or not."

"That we can agree on, and while we've been working with the select ensemble, i've noticed that you've gotten along with Jodi and Kamryn because i recall them telling me that they've taken a liking to you."

"I think Kamryn is very talented and her mom never gave us a hard time, if there was a problem, she would always tell us calmly." Andrew stated as he took a bite of his waffles.

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