Chapter 32: Big News

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The next week after a competition that past saturday, Andrew woke up on Monday Morning after getting a good night's sleep like usual.

He then did some stretching and after stretching, he then had some breakfast before jumping into the shower to get ready for the day at the studio.

Meanwhile at the Abby Lee Dance Company, Abby was sitting at the front desk wondering what was gonna happen today, then all of a sudden she heard her phone ringing and pulled it out of her pocket and answered.

"Hello? Yes, i'm Abby Lee Miller. WHAT?! Ok i'll tell him, bye." Abby said with a huge smile on her face, hanging up as she saw her son's escalade pull up into the studio parking lot, then after Andrew pulled up into his parking space, he got out of the car with his hair straightened and hanging, he was in a Miami Marlins shirt and jogging pants and adidas sandals with aviator sunglasses on his face.

"Hey, mom." Andrew said, walking into the studio as he took off his sunglasses, revealing his green eyes that he got from Abby. Then noticed that his mother had a huge smile on her face. "Not to be nosy or anything, but who was that on the phone with you?"

"Andrew, that was the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and they have just told me that because of your success through the years, you are going to get the 2,501st star on the hollywood walk of fame!"

Andrew couldn't believe what his mother had just told him, he had been the most hardest working dancer in the country and now he was gonna get a star on the hollywood walk of fame, he would be immortalized by generations of future dancers.

"Don't Joke Me!"

"Andrew, this is not a joke, this is real!" Abby said as she stood up and walked over to Andrew and gave him a hug as Gianna came in wearing an ALDC Top and yoga pants with Jennine, Rachel and James wondering what was going on.

"What's going on?" Rachel asked.

"I was just told that Andrew is gonna get a star on the hollywood walk of fame."

"Yay!" Jennine cheered.

"Congrats, man!" James said, giving him a high five.

"Thanks!" Andrew exclaimed.

Then when the girls arrived with their moms, they came into the studio and noticed that Abby had a huge grin on her face and were wondering why their dance teacher had a smile on her face.

"Miss Abby, what's going on?" Mackenzie asked.

"Girls, i have some incredible news to tell you!"

"Can we please hear it?" Nia said.

"I just got off the phone with the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce and they have just confirmed that Andrew will getting a star on the hollywood walk of fame!"

The girls and their moms all looked at Andrew and all started cheering wildly at hearing the news that he was gonna get a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and he earned it because of hard work in dancing. The select ensemble smiled too, but some were jealous, especially Christy and Sarah H.

"Congratulations, Andrew!" Maddie exclaimed as she hugged him.

"Thank you, Maddie." Andrew replied.

"When is he going to get the star?" Kelly asked.

"This saturday, so we won't be going to a competition until next saturday and that's nationals. So look your best, everyone."

"We will." Kalani said.

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