Chapter 26: Cheering Maddie and Kenzie Up

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The next morning, since the ALDC had the day off, Andrew woke up around 8:45 AM in his bedroom and he made up his bed after getting out of it, then he headed to the closet and picked out some trackpants and a miami heat shirt, he jumped into the shower, which took 3 minutes, he got his hair the way he wanted it, then he put on his clothes and came downstairs.

When he walked into the kitchen, he saw the gloomy, sad faces of Maddie and Mackenzie, who were still mourning the loss of their dog, Molly as they were sitting at the table.

"Are you two okay?" Andrew asked with a concerned look on his face.

"No." Maddie said sadly.

"You miss Molly, don't you?"

"Yeah." Mackenzie sighed.

"I know it's hard losing someone or something you love, believe me, i've been there before when i lost my grandfather the day after i turned 11 years old and two years ago, we lost Broadway Baby."

"That was heartbreaking for you, huh?" Maddie asked him.


"We were all sad when you and Miss Abby lost Broadway Baby."

"Yeah, but even though Molly is gone, she'll always live inside of your hearts and i think she's in a better place, playing with Broadway Baby and having fun with grandpa and with your grandmother." Andrew reassured them as he noticed a tear falling from Maddie's eye. "I know you're feeling down, but i've got the remedy that will make you feel better."

Maddie and Mackenzie's sad faces were replaced with a smile.
With the mood going from sad to lighter, Andrew was telling them a bunch of funny jokes, which made them laugh as he was making sure that their spirits were still up.

Then he got tired of telling them jokes and got up from the kitchen chair and headed to the living room as Maddie and Mackenzie wondered what he was going to do next.

"What are you planning to do now?" Mackenzie asked the younger Miller.

"When my mom was feeling sad, i always did a funny dance for her and it lifted her spirits and whenever i was sad, she'd do the same thing for me and the next thing i knew, my sad look was replaced with a smile." Andrew put in a Bell Biv DeVoe CD into the radio and the song that came on was Poison and Andrew began to do a little dance.

"Who's that singing?" Maddie asked him as she listened to the song.

"That's Bell Biv DeVoe and the name of the song is called Poison, it's one of my favorite songs." Andrew told them as he started to dance. He began to dance in a silly way and was lip synch to the words.

Maddie and Mackenzie both burst into infectious laughter from seeing Andrew's silly dancing and was rocking out like a rock star by bobbing his head. As the song got to the chorus after the first verse, he began doing some funny moves and did a silly expression.

Little did he know, someone was behind him and began to do an egyptian dance, the person was none other than Abby, who had just entered her son's house since Andrew gave her a key to the house and saw the two girls laughing their heads off.

When the song got to the breakdown part, Andrew began doing a dance routine and he was oblivious to the presence of his mother behind him as the two girls who were sad earlier were now laughing their heads off.

Maddie and Mackenzie both began laughing even harder as they saw Abby making a funny face as she danced as Andrew was dancing without knowing that Abby had just arrived at his house.

When the song was about to come to an end he did a Michael Jackson-like spin until he saw that Abby was right behind him, then his eyes went wider than saucers as he let out a yell of surprise, the second he let the yell out, he jumped back a foot and fell on the floor. Maddie and Mackenzie could not stop laughing as tears fell from their eyes as they saw Andrew fall.

"Andrew Miller, you never fail to make me laugh." Abby teased as she saw her son get up from falling and turned off the radio.

"Mom, you weren't supposed to see my embarrassing moments." Andrew stated.

"Oh, please. I've seen you do a lot of embarrassing things when you did a dance for me and it made me laugh. What's going on?" Abby asked.

"Miss Abby, we were sad thinking about our dog, Molly since she passed on yesterday." Mackenzie explained to her dance teacher. "Then, when Andrew noticed us with gloomy looks, he spent the time cheering us up."

"I noticed it worked then." Abby grinned.

"Yeah, and he was so funny, but what made it even funnier is when you came in doing a egyptian dance." Maddie added.

"Had to help make it funnier when i saw him dancing. Andrew, i wasn't intending to surprise you like that, but your dancing was so funny and it brought back so many memories of you doing a funny dance whenever i felt sad." Abby said, as she gave her son a hug.

Andrew hugged his mother back and looked at her. "You did surprise me, i'll admit that and i did it to cheer Mads and Kenzie up."

"Seems like it worked like a charm. Do you all want to go to the arcade?" Abby asked them.

"Yes, Miss Abby." Maddie said.

"Count me in too." Mackenzie added.

"Me Three!" Andrew stated, then they left the house and Andrew locked up the house and they got into Abby's car and they went to the Arcade and they had a fun time that day.

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