Chapter 17: He's Back!

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Two weeks had passed and the ALDC was on a three competition losing streak. It was January 25th and the Abby Lee Dance Company had just arrived at the Miami-Dade County Auditorium for the Fire and Ice dance competition and despite being on a three competition losing streak, their fans still supported them.

"Well look who it is, it's the three time losers known as Shamu and her little dancers."

"Miss Abby, It's gonna take a huge miracle to win this competition because we've lost three straight competitions without Andrew here." Maddie admitted to her dance teacher.

"The chances of that miracle happening are about as good as LeBron James and the Miami Heat three peating, which is highly unlikely!" Jill yelled at her daughter's former team.

"We'll suggest you get ready for your fourth straight loss because your so-called lucky charm isn't here to help you now!" Yvette gloated.

"I wouldn't say that if i were you, you rotten apples!" A voice shouted.

Suddenly, Abby, Gianna, Melissa, Holly, Kelly, Christi, Kristie, Kira, Maddie, Mackenzie, Nia, Brooke, Paige, Chloe, Asia and Kalani looked around to see where the voice was coming from and even Cathy, Yvette, Gina D, Jill, Jo Anne, Tanya, Vivi, Hadley, Nick, Kendall, Gavin, McKenzie, Justice, Kerisa and Taylor were wondering who spoke as they saw a tall figure with long hair walk towards them.

Abby and Gianna had huge smiles on their faces as the voice and the figure was none other than Andrew walking towards them, who was wearing white slacks, men's slip on shoes, matching men's button up shirt with no tie and the top button was unbuttoned and a white sports jacket. He was also wearing sunglasses.

"ANDREW! You're back!" Mackenzie exclaimed as she ran straight to him and gave him a hug and he hugged her back.

"I sure am, Kenzie. I wasn't gonna miss this for the world to see you all dance." Andrew chuckled as he said that, then Maddie, Chloe, Paige, Asia, Nia, Kalani and Brooke all ran to him to hug him.

"We missed you being at our competitions!" Asia exclaimed.

"I missed cheering you on at competitions, because three weeks can be kinda long, but now i'm back and here to cheer you on."

"Well, look who's back." Cathy sarcastically cheered as she saw Andrew standing there. "It's Andrew the numbskull son of Abby who hasn't been seen since he lost his appendix, but i'm glad you made it, so you can see your mother and her idiot team lose again."

"Cathy, I'll suggest you stop talking trash about my mother, my girlfriend, the girls and even the moms. And the chances of us losing are about as good as the Atlanta Hawks winning the NBA Title this year because the only team that's gonna lose are the Candy Apples!"

"Don't be surprised if Shamu's team loses!" Jill sneered as the Candy Apples walked right past them as Cathy shoved Andrew aside, who just simply rolled his eyes.

"He rolls his eyes the same way Abby does when something annoying happens."

"Yep, he's definitely Abby's son!" Kalani added.

"Girls, Moms, i know i haven't been here since my appendectomy and i know you have been losing, but now i'm back, healthy, and ready to cheer you on."

"Glad to have you back." Christi stated.

"That's right, my son is back!" Abby added, giving Andrew a

"That i am, Now let's go win this competition and make apple sauce out of Cathy and her minions!" Andrew stated with determination in his voice.

"Yeah!" The girls cheered.

Back For More (Sequel to Just Another Season, Dance Moms Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon