My First Day and Moving Back Home

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Jessy's POV

Having the experience as a bartender is cool and all, but its a whole different vibe, depending on where you work or what area. It was my first day on the job, and I pretty much know what im doing. However, since it is the most popular bar for people to go to, sometimes its fast paced, and im not used to that. There were many rude and perverted customers and most of my co workers are kinda rude as well. Dont know why tho. I didnt mind, since its like that at most jobs. What can you do? When my shift was done, Susan came up to me. "Hey, how are you holding up?" She asked. "I think I'm good, just trying to get used to it since its fast paced." I said clocking out. "Oh that's good, well ill see you tomorrow." She said leaving. "Okay, bye." I said as i was packing my things. I was leaving the bar, and some guy was trying to cat call me. I hate those type of things, and it makes me want to punch them, but im at my job. I can't just punch people. So I continued to walk away.

When I was walking to the front door of the hotel, I heard someone calling my name. "Hey, Jessy." I heard someone call. I looked back and i saw that Masa was running to me. "Hey, what happened?" I asked. "Oh I just finished my shift, so I decided to come meet you here." He said. "Oh okay, thats fine." I said. "Well, let's go." He said as he walked ahead of me outside of the hotel. We both went to our cars and said bye to each other. I went back to my apartment, and ive been deciding on moving out of my apartment for quite a while. Ever since my ex cheated on me, its not the same living in my apartment anymore. I went to my room and sat on my bed. It was the same bed that my ex and I slept in. I almost started to cry, but I try to suck it in. There's no point crying about it, its over. But I can't keep living here anymore because everything reminds me of him. I have to leave. I called my mom.

M ~ Hello?

J ~ Mommy?

M ~ Hey baby. How are you?

J ~ Im fine.

M ~ Whats up?

J ~ um...can i move in with you?

M ~ whats going on?

J ~ uh...i can't pay the bills by myself

M ~ Why? What about your boyfriend?

I started to cry

M ~ Baby, what happened?

J ~ Can i stay with you?

M ~ Baby, of course. Go get your things and ill see you at home, okay? You can always come home, you know.

I wiped my tears

J ~ Okay, i will. I'll see you. Love you.

M ~ Love you too, honey.

I hung up. I wiped my tears more and I packed my bags. After that, I got in the car and drove to my parents house. I havent been there in a while since I moved out and I do visit them every weekend. But ever since the breakup, I haven't been visiting them since. I pulled up to their driveway and I carried my bags to the front door. I knocked on the door, and then my mom opened the door. She immediately pulled me in for a hug and I started to cry. I really needed a hug, especially from my mom. After that, she told me to go to my room, so that she can make tea for me (jujubee). I went into my room, which was to the left of me and i put my luggage down on the floor and laid down on my bed. I took a deep breath. Im kinda glad I'm home. I needed to be home. I dont have anyone except for my family. Masa is just my acquaintance, but hes been pretty cool to me. Someone I can hang out with sometime. My mom open my door and came in with the tea. "I made you your favorite." She said as she gave the tea to me and sat on my bed next to me. "So, what happened?" My mom asked. I told her about what happened with my ex and ex best friend. "Damn..." she said. "It hurts so bad because its like i opened them to my life, my home...and this is what I get? It keeps happening, like everytime someone betrays me, i get reserved and then people tell me, "oH yOu hAvE tO GiVe pEoPLe a ChAnCe, LiKe NoT aLL oF uS ArE aWfUl." and then when I give people a chance, they stomp all over me despite me being loyal to them. THIS IS WHY I DONT TRUST ANYONE BECAUSE THEY WILL FUCKING BETRAY YOU AND THROW YOU AWAY. SO I DONT WANNA HEAR ANYONE TELLING ME TO GIVE PEOPLE A CHANCE WHEN THEY'VE BETRAYED ME MANY TIMES." I yelled while crying. My mom pulled me in for a hug and i cried. "Shhh shhh, everything will be okay." She said as she try to comfort me.

"Baby, look, there are people in this world that are going to betray you. Thats why I always say, dont trust nobody. But, you know what? Thats their loss. They lost a good friend and a good girlfriend, and now they have to suffer the consequences. Karma will get them, i know it. You can't keep crying for people that don't give a fuck about you anymore. You didnt do anything wrong." She said. I kept crying. I was over them, but emotionally, it still hurts. I have Masa, and thats cool, but it hurts so bad. Maybe i should spend some time alone for myself for a while.

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