Our Relationship (5 months)

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Jessy's POV

I cant believe it......this is my first real relationship with Masa. Holy fucking shit. Can I just say....how giggly I am cuz its just like damn. I opened my heart to this man, put my walls down, and its just like....I have this feeling that I belong to this man as if he was meant for me. Jeez I'm smiling like a fucking idiot, my gosh and he's probably doing the same thing, with his crazy ass 🤣🤣🤣. Anyways, we're still working together and he's still working here. His co worker Logan took the manager opportunity, so we had a farewell party for him and it was nice. Regarding Masa and I, we've spent alot of time together. We also wanted to take things slow so that we can develop a meaningful relationship.

Sometimes he would take me on little, tiny dates, like walking in the park or going out to eat, and it wouldn't be luxurious or extravagant and I don't expect it to. The little things are always the most important to me and I want to make the most out of it. There were even times when he would come over to my house just to hang out with me or watch cheesy romantic comedy flicks that would make us both laugh and cry. Sometimes we would even cuddle. He still does the same thing that he has always done ever since we became friends, waiting for me in the hotel lobby after his shift is done.

Masa always told me how he loved waiting for he so that he can past time and highkey mess with his co workers, but now that we're official, he loves to wait for me even more because he is always excited to see me get off of work.

Ok ok ive said too much, back to the story lol

I got off of work at 12 am, and when I was walking to the hotel lobby, I saw Masa sitting down waiting for me. He got off at 7pm. The fact that he waited this long to meet me (now that we're in a relationship) is so sweet of him. He could've just left and I would've went to his house or something, but he waited for me. I approached him and he stood up with a smile. "Hey babe." He said as he kissed me on the cheek. "Hey baby." I said back. "So you're ready to go?" He asked. "Yea. Let's go." I said. He held my hand and we were about to walk out, until the manager stopped me. "Hey lovebirds, come over here for a sec." He said and we stopped at our tracks annoyed as hell. Uggghhhhh whyyy?!?! We thought.

We turned around with a smile. "Hey, what do you need?" I asked. "Well I was thinking that since we're gonna have a newcomer in room service, I want to know if Masa can help train the kid." The manager said looking at Masa. "Huh? Me?" Masa asked. "Of course, who else? Anyways, I trust that you make the newcomer feel at home, right? K goodnight.." The manager said as he pat Masa on the back and left. Then, Masa and I looked at each other. "I wonder who this newcomer is." Masa asked. "Me too. Hopefully, it's someone who is chill and not an asshole." I said while we both walked out together. "I hope so too, and hopefully it's not the ones that just graduated from high school cuz I can't deal with those fuckers." He said and I started laughing. "What's wrong with them?" "Naw they just think they know everything and act like they own the shit, and they can be mad disrespectful too." "But....you were that age too tho and so was i." I said looking at him side eyed. "Okay, but at least I had more respect than them." He said as he got into the car. "Babe, they can't work at your position anyways cuz they're not 21, so you won't have to deal with them or get disgusted by them. I honestly don't like them either, so I agree." I said when I got in his car.

"Thank god, finally someone around our age. I'll train them happily. Since we're on the topic, can we NOT have kids? I dont have the patience to deal with teenagers that basically acts like us when we were their age." He asked while driving. "Dont worry, were not. I dont even want kids anyways. The thought of my kid acting like me gives me anxiety" I said. "Thank god, someone can relate. Do you want to get some food before I take you home?" He asked. "Sure." I said.

We decided to go to McDonald's that open 24/7, and got chicken nuggets, vanilla shake, and fries. Then, we went to his house and ate and hung out. "So, since we're together now, I was thinking that maybe we can start talking about the birds and the bees aka sex." I said and Masa spat out his water in shock and coughed. I hit his back. "Are you OK, babe?" I asked worried. "Wait wait wait wait wait. Huh?" He asked. "Yea, I mean we do need to talk about it sooner or later." I said eating a nugget. "Yea, but dont you think that's a little, tiny bit too fast?" "Really? Cuz didn't we almost did it?" I asked. "I mean yea- ." He said and then I interrupted him. "Bascially what im saying is is that we should talk about it soon." I said. "Oh okay, I say that we should talk about it when we're both comfortable with it. I dont wanna rush you." He said. Fuck, he's so sweet. I thought. "Yea I don't want to rush you either." I apologized. "But I would love to have that talk with you so that we can have a memorable one." He said looking at me. "I would like that too." I said as I look at him smiling as I kissed him on his temple.

Next part might or might not be a....well...smut part, it honestly depends. So watch out for it

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