He Did What?

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Masa's POV

I started to get a little suspicious about this so-called "date" that Natsu basically had. Usually, I wouldn't care who he dated as long as it doesn't become an inconvenience to me, but I can't shake off the gut feeling that there is something wrong. I don't know what is, but....ugggh whatever, ill just go to sleep.

The next morning

I woke up at around 8 am since my shift starts at 9 am. All of a sudden I was so tired to get out of bed due to my overthinking of who Natsu was with last night. Ugh, why am I so worried? It's none of my business who he's with. I may be his big brother, but there's no reason to get involved in his love life. He's probably with some girl that he picked up from work. He's always been the type to pick up girls and not do his work, so then I had to grab him by the ear to actually make him do his work. So annoying. Anyways, I finally got out of bed after 15 minutes and went to do my business and eat breakfast. Normally, I wouldn't eat breakfast, but Jessy kind of inspired me to instead of just drinking coffee all the time. I also saw that Natsu wasn't home, which is lowkey kind of weird, but also not surprising. Before I moved out on my own, Natsu would sometimes either come home late at night or stay over at the girl's house.

I finally got to work, and I saw that Natsu was ACTUALLY working and not fooling around. Kinda surprising considering the fact that he's the type to fool around, but it's good that he's actually doing what he's supposed to do for once. I went to the locker room to change into my work clothes, and I heard the door open, so I looked and there was Natsu standing there. "What?" I asked as I was fixing my tie. "Nothing...."He said. Weird. He usually teases me at work....maybe it's for the best Maybe he has finally grown up after all. I thought.

As I was getting ready to walk out, Natsu was still standing there by the door. "Are you just gonna stand there or are you going to go work?" I asked. "Oh...yea. Right away." He said as he walked away. Something's wrong. I thought.

A couple of hours later.

During my break, I decided to meet Jessy while she was working, and maybe drink a bit. I know that I'm not supposed to drink on the job, so she'll probably give me water with lemon, which she tells me that it's good for me. I went to the bar, and I admired her by the entrance. I love seeing her being passionate about her job, and it makes me happy that she's enjoying it. I decide to walk in and sit at the bar. As she finished serving her customer, she turned around and saw me. "Oh, hey babe. What are you doing here?" I asked. "nothing, just here to see how my girl is doing." I said. "Smooth. Anyways, what do you want to drink, since you know you can't be drinking during the day?" She said. "Welp...I guess water with lemon is okay." "Coming right up. Also...I kinda have to tell you something." She said as she was making my drink, which took her about 2-3 minutes. "Okay, sure. What is it?" I asked as I took a sip of my drink. "Um....well..." Jessy kept stuttering in her words and I'm looking at her worried. "Did something happen?" I asked. "Well...." She started and then I looked at my watch "Ahhh crap, I gotta go back to work. You can tell me what happened when I get off. Love you." I said as I reached to kiss her on the lips and left the bar. God, why do we have 15 minutes breaks? Like that is so unrealistic. I thought.

5 PM

I finally clocked out of work and am ready to go home as soon as possible to sleep. But first, something has been racking my brain for a while now. What does Jessy have to tell me? From what it looked like, she looked concerned and maybe nervous. Wait....Natsu was like that too and, even for me, that is unlike him. Something is going on, and I don't like the feeling. I changed into my normal clothes, packed my stuff, and went to the lobby where Jessy was waiting for me. "Hey babe," I said as I went up to her and kissed her cheek. "So, about what you wanted to tell me?" I mentioned. "Oh...right. Well....don't be mad." She warned. "Why would I be mad? Did something happen?" I asked holding her hands. "Ummm....so...I hung out with your brother, Natsu, the other day....and we were chilling on the balcony of the coco-cola company, but....he tried to kiss me." She said. Honestly, I couldn't process what she just said. "I'm sorry....can you repeat that?" I asked trying to make sure that I'm not deaf or crazy. "Your brother tried to kiss me." She repeated. I looked at her with a straight face with a bit of shock. "He did what?" I asked.

I heard Natsu saying bye to his coworkers, and all of the sudden, my blood started to boil. Did he really think he could get away with attempting to kiss my girlfriend? What the fuck!! He always does this shit, like what the fuck. Every time I have something good, he would always take that shit away from me. God, that fucking asshole. I thought. He came up to me. "So are we going home together?" He asked putting his arm on my shoulder. I took his arm off. "Go by yourself. *turned to Jessy* I'll talk to you later, babe." I said as I walked past them to my car. I got in the car and screamed out of anger. After I calmed down, I was about to turn on my ignition and drive away, but Natsu tried to get in my car. I rolled my window down. "Come on, bro. Let's talk about this." He begged. "There's nothing to talk about. Unless you wanna get run over, step away from my car." I said calmly, Natsu moved back, and then I drove away.

A/N: Bruh.....he mad....

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