A "Burning" Surprise

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Masa's POV

I was walking down the beach just admiring the night sky and the sound of waves coming. It's such a beautiful night outside and I love it so much. I was minding that until I saw a girl sitting down with her knees to her chest. She was sitting in front of the bonfire. Should I check if she's Ok? Or should I leave her alone? Knowing myself, I wouldn't leave someone upset, who knows what the person is going through and plus I'm a caring person. So I decided to go up to her.

"Hey miss?" I called her. She looked up. Her eyes were swollen like she has been crying alot. Now I'm really worried. "Who are you?" She asked. "Just someone who wants to talk." I simply said. "Well...i don't want to talk...so just leave me alone." She said and her head went back down. I looked at her feeling bad. No I can't leave her like this. I thought. I decided to sit next to her, but quietly. She looked up at me. "My name is Masa. What's your name?" I asked putting my hand out. "Um...my name is Jessy." She shook my hand.

"Nice to meet you Jessy. Hey...i was wondering...do you want a drink? It's ok if you don't want to" I politely ask. "I'm sorry....you seem nice but...i just want to be alone right now, if you don't mind." Jessy said. "It's ok." I was about to walk away until she suddenly said,"But...it wouldnt hurt to have...maybe one drink." She said as she stood up. "Ok I know this one place, if you want to come." I said. "Yea sure." She replied and then she walked with me.

At the bar
We sat together and I asked the barentnder for two Hennessey on ice. It took a few minutes until he brought them. She started drinking all of it until the glass was empty. "Another one." Jessy said to the bartender. "Are you sure?" I asked. "I'm was planning to get drunk anyways so I'm prepared." She said with a smile. I smiled back and I drank with her

A hour later
Jessy was really drunk and she started telling me about what happened with her ex and her ex best friend. I felt so bad for her for the way she was treated. If i was in her shoes, I would've been devastated. The two people that she trusted with her lives, betrayed her. That's the worst feeling. She started going on about burning all her ex and her ex best friends stuff, like presents, gifts, clothes, etc. One thing I know about her, she has no mercy whatsoever.

"So that bonfire that you saw...it was their stuff that I burned." I looked at her wide-eyed. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah...its what they deserve. I also blocked their numbers so they don't have to text me again. They texted me getting all worried, but that's complete bullshit. If they really cared about me so much then why did they go behind my back?" She said as she started tearing up again. "Now I fucking have no one." She started crying. "Oh no no no." I reached out and hugged her. "Youre not alone, trust me. You have someone." I said rubbing her back, comforting her. "Who?" She asked. "Me."

Jessy looked up at me. "But I just met you, and for all I know you might be some...rapist or in a gang." She said. "Well I'm neither of those. I'm actually nice." I convinced her. "Yeah yeah. Well...its nice talking to you, but I gotta go." She stood up but started tumbling and tripping on stuff. I catched her before she fell. "Are you ok?" I asked softly. "Let me take you home." I said. "No...i got it." She said. "Jessy...please." She finally agreed. "Ok."

I paid the bartender and carried Jessy to my car and put her in the passenger seat. I went to the drivers seat and I turned on the engine to drive. I drove to my house and parked the car. I went to the other side and I carried her inside the house. I put her on the couch and laid her down. "Masa...." She called to me drunk while I was in my bedroom. "Yeah?" I asked. "Cmere..." She said motioning me to her. "Um...ok?" I went and sat next to her. "You know, youre a really sweet person. You know that?" Jessy asked caressing my hair. I took her hand off. "Um...yeah I guess you can say that." I responded awkwardly. "Like....you understand me...you listen to me.. you feel my pain...and..." I was waiting for her to continue until suddenly she laid on my shoulder. "Jessy?" I asked her. "Please.... I'm tired. Let's stay like this for a while." She said falling asleep.

It was a few minutes until she was deep asleep and starting snoring. She looks cute when she does that and she's even more cute when she's sleeping. Wait...what the hell are you thinking stop that!. Geez it's a long day...i thought. I carefully got up and put her head on the pillow. I went to the bathroom, took a shower, and went to bed. Hopefully she'll be ok tomorrow. I feel bad for her. Drinking her life away after what happened. I'm glad I'm the one who's there for her now...

It kinda sucks but whatever.

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