A Typical Day at the Bar pt.1

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Jessy's POV

Would It be safe to say that im head over heels right now? Yea I should probably say that. I mean after I kissed him and then he kissed me and then we almost....OMG IM BLUSHING JUST THINKING ABOUT IT 😍😍😍. I'm at my job bartending, as usual, and I was doing my job pretty well and pretty fast. It even got to the point where I memorize people's orders in a flash. Susan came up to me surprised. "Wow you're really hustling. I do like it though cuz we have more customers than usual. So make sure those drinks go out accordingly." She said. "Okay I will." I said.

My break was finally here and I went to the back to relax. But then, thoughts were coming up about Masa potentially leaving. I wanted to tell him how I feel before it happens, so hopefully it got through to him. But if he does decide to leave, then that is his decision and im okay with it. I'll try to visit him often or maybe I can ask to transfer to his work to be with him at all times. Ok now im getting ahead of myself. Anyways, I was about to pick up my phone to check something until Susan busted the door open. "JESSY. I KNOW YOURE ON BREAK, BUT I NEED YOUR HELP!" She yelled. "What happened?" I asked. "TWO DUMBASS CUSTOMERS JUST STARTED A FIGHT AND MAKING A MESS." She said. "Oh fuck...." I sighed as I went to my locker and pulled up my brass knuckles. "K let's go." I said.

(Its okay guys, the manager allows it. Since mostly males comes to the bar, calling the police or fighting them is not enough. So he approved brass knuckles that can knock the disruptive guys out and make them sober. It does get bloody depending on where you hit them, but at least they learn their lesson not to start a fight. They can try to sue us, but it would be on our side since the people who drink didn't drink responsibly and started the fight themselves. It would be stupid if WE took the blame 😊. We just stopped it before things got worse and they ruin our property 😊. So why not knock them out? 😊😊😊. Hell, one time a guy was sexually harassing a women just drinking and having a good time and guess what? We knocked him out. Same when one time a girl was drunk and two drunk guys that it looked like she doesn't know tried to take her out and guess what? You guess it. WE KNOCKED THEM THE FUCK OUT and ordered Uber to take the girl home 😊. So basically you can try to sue us, but don't cry wolf when we knock you out for doing something stupid 😊😊😊. K back to the story.)

After we dealt with the guys and threw them out, we closed shop early and kicked everyone out to clean the mess that those douchebags made 🙄. The manager came in. "Hey whats going on? The customers were complaining that you kicked them out?." He asked. "Well, yea, some douchebags decided to get drunk and start a fight and disrupt other customers. I mean look at this, they messed up half of the fucking bar 😒." Susan said sweeping the floors. "Huh....so that happened...welp did you get the brass knuckles?" He asked. "Yup." I said. "Did you knock them out?" "Yes." "Kicked them out?" "Yup." "Yes, that's my girls. If we had to go through another lawsuit I'll let yall know. These people act so entitled that they think that they can get away with fucking up our business in any way. Remember ladies, the customers are NOT always right. K goodnight." The manager said as he left.

"Well, that was awful." I said as I was cleaning the broke glass. "Yup, this is one of the things you have to deal with. Thank god you can handle it cuz things could get ugly in a sec if we didn't step in." Susan said. "Yup you got that right. I'm surprised I didn't tell Masa about it, but maybe he knows." "He probably knows since he's been working here for years. You dont really tell people on the outside. Almost all of the lawsuits that we dealt with, we settled it out of court, and decided that it would be better to just forget about it, accept responsibility, and move on. At the end of the day, those douchebags started it and they don't want that staining their reputation. With us, well....let's just say we had to take our weapons down a notch. The most appropriate was the brass knuckles. Ever since then, no one even thinks about suing us. The times we got sued was when we used a taser or a stun gun. Other than that, it's been kinda peaceful." "Oh shit." I said shocked. "But...I rather use the brass knuckles cuz one, its legal, and two, you could just deal with the people yourself without calling the cops." I said. "That's what I said. But alot of people don't like that. It's like they're saying we could just let the douchebags wreak havoc hurt customers just for the sake of "doing the right thing". Naw bro ima beat the shit out of those motherfuckers who even think about fucking up our business." She said. "AMEN and amen sis." I said.

"Anyways, you didn't hear from Masa, right?" Susan asked. "No, I haven't. Why?" I asked. "Well I saw that he went to the managers office. Maybe he finally made his decision. I wonder what he decides." She said. I wonder what he decided too. I thought. I know that it isn't my decision to make, but at least, I still want to stay with him by his side. Whatever decision he makes, I'll stay behind him on it and be there for him. "Oh shit, here's your prince charming now." Susan said as I saw Masa coming into the bar. He looked shocked as he walked inside. "What the hell happened?" He asked. "Typical shit. You already know." Susan said. "Ahhh true. Ok Jessy, I need to talk to you. Can I?" He asked.

"Yea sure." I said. I escorted him to the back, which is our break room, while I left Susan to clean the mess (im sorry Susan lol).

Part 2 coming up...

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