She Got Hired

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Masa's POV

Its been a week since Jessy applied for a job as a bartender at my job. Itll be fun to see her everyday at work and im so excited for it. Jessy has been getting more and more anxious. I kept telling her that everything will be okay. However, how my boss looked at her....i can't shake the feeling. Yes, ive only known Jessy for a short time, however the way he looked at her...kinda like a creeper look...i have a bad feeling. I should warn her before her first day. We were both spending alot of time together and Cazqui, as usual, is getting kinda jealous that ive been spending time with her more than him. While I was working in my shift....oh lord something happened. When I was coming back to get more food for the next room service call, I heard yelling coming from the kitchen, so I ran over outside of the door. It seems like the cooks are fighting. Oh god, what now? I thought. Theyve been fighting everyday always about some stupid shit. I wonder what they're fighting about now? I was hanging outside until I feel someone pushing me to the side. As I was about to say something, I realize that it was my manger. Goddammit Masa, hold your tongue. I thought. "BOTH OF YALL, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!." The manager yelled.

"I SWEAR TO GOD, YALL ARE ALWAYS FIGHTING ABOUT DUMB SHIT AND ITS REALLY REALLY GETTING ANNOYING AT THIS POINT! YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK THIS AND FUCK BOTH OF YALL. YOURE BOTH FIRED!!! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY KITCHEN!!!." He yelled. I stood there with wide eyes. Goddamn. He forreal? I thought. The minute the manager turned around, I immediately ran to the bathroom because I know how he is when he's angry. He dont want to talk to anybody, so its best to give him space to chill out. Then I realized....i really did had to pee lol wtf. So, I did my business, washed my hands, and went back to the kitchen. It seems that everyone else in the kitchen was shocked. "So....where the food at?" I asked. They looked at me annoyingly and went to get the food and set it on the tray. Well then....i thought 🙄.

As I was delivering the food to the guest, the manager tapped on my shoulder. "Yeah?" I asked. "Tell your friend that she's hired and that she can start working tomorrow, yeah?" He said. "Oh ok, cool. Ill tell her." I said. He nodded and walked away. Thank god he's calm. I thought. I delivered the food to the guest and it was already close to my break, which is at 12:30, so I immediately go to my car to go to get some Chick Fil A. When I go to the drive through, I texted Jessy.

M ~ Hey are you there?

J ~ Yea, whats up.

M ~ Well, the manager told me that you are hired and you can start working tomorrow.


M ~ Yea. He didnt tell me what time tho, but you did pick 4-11pm, so...maybe come an hour to 30 minutes early?

J ~ Yea, sure no problem. I was wondering, since you helped me to get this job, would you like to celebrate with me?

M ~ Really? Are you sure? Are you going to get drunk again?

J ~ lol no. I wont rely on you to take care of me when im drunk anymore 😂😂😂.

M ~ Okay, good lol. I also want to tell you something.

J ~ What is it?

M ~ the manager....i sense some weird vibe from him.

J ~ What weird vibe?

M ~ Well...i have a feeling that he might be a creep towards you. I get that i shouldnt speak that way about my manager, but I just can't ignore it. So...please...when youre around the manager, please be careful.

J ~ Okay, I will. Thanks for worrying about me.

M ~ No problem. I am going to be the one who's taking care of you anyways, so I gotta look out for you too.

J ~ true, itll be an honor learning from you, boss.

M ~ god, please dont call me that. Thats mad cringy as fuck. Like.....even the manager is considering promoting me to a lead server for room service, like i would rather be a nobody, sorry

J ~ 😂😂😂😂, but itll be cool if you were a lead server. You get to talk some sense into newbies that don't know any better lol

M ~ True, but that'll just be a fucking hassle.

J ~ 😂😂😂. Anyways. Just text me when you're out of work, so that we can hang out.

M ~ Sure.

J ~ Where are you at now?

M ~ Chick Fil A

J ~ You fucking bastard. I want chick fil a

M ~ well why didn't you ask?

J ~ I swear to god if you keep teasing me...

M ~ lol, ok how about this? Ill bring you chick fil a when im out of work. How does that sound?

J ~ now I feel much better.

M ~ lord, youre a handful lol

J ~ I've been told that before lol

M ~ but in a good way

J ~ I know lol. Okay ill see you after work.

M ~ okay, bye

J ~ Bye.

After I got my food, I went back to work and ate in the break room. Many people were talking about the two cooks that were fired. I actually know them, Bryan and Mike. Theyve been fighting ever since they met. It got so crazy to the point that they would actually fight in the back of the hotel. But i guess this was the last straw for the manager and for all of us. Theyre always fighting about every stupid thing ever, its so annoying. Thank god im a room service server, because if I had that position, I would honestly shove their head into a hot skillet and grill their faces. But anyways, i feel better since talking to Jessy. Were hanging out later today and im happy that she got hired. Its good that we're working close together and I can't wait for our friendship to advance into something greater.

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