Helping Her

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Masa's POV

* a few days later*

Jessy and I decided to pick the time and date to meet up so we can help her get a job at the hotel. It was probably 7 in the morning and I was waiting for her in front of the hotel until her car came. Her car parked and then she got out. She was wearing a suit, her hair done, her makeup done. Oh jeez, she didn't have to do that. I thought while smiling and scratching my neck. "Hey, Masa," Jessy said coming up to me. "Oh hey. Wow you look amazing, but you didn't have to do that, it's not like you got accepted yet." I said chuckling. "Yea but I want to look presentable. What's wrong with that?" She asked with an innocent confused look. "Oh, nothing at all," I said pretending to be scared. "Ok let's go in, my boss might be there since now it's breakfast time, there's not that really a lot to do," I said. We went inside to the front desk. "Hey, can we see the boss?" I asked. "Do you have your ID?" Tiffany asked. I pulled it out of my pocket and showed it to her. "Ok, you can go in." She said. "Wait to hold on, who is she?" She asked. "She's a friend- I mean acquaintance of mine, she trying to get a job so that's why I asked," I responded. "Oh ok." She said. I grabbed Jessy's wrist and sped off quickly. "What happened?" Jessy asked confused. "It's just that woman in the front, she's very nosy as hell. She just wants to know what's going on about everyone and it's just annoying." I said. She laughed a little. "Kinda feel bad for her." She said. "God don't." I started laughing.

We got to the elevator to go to his suite/office. We approached to the door. "Are you sure he'll be ok with approaching him like this?" Jessy asked nervously. "Don't worry. He always tells his employees to come whenever there's a concern, sometimes you would have to make an appointment when he's really busy, but since there's not really much to do, he just have breakfast in his office like always." I said. "So don't stress out." I pat her shoulder. "..ok." She said. I knocked on the door. "Sir? Are you in here?" I asked. "Masa my boy. Come in." He said. "See? He's very welcoming." I opened the door to let her through and then myself. I closed the door and saw my boss on the table working on paperwork. He gets up. "How you doing?" He gives me a good handshake. "Good, sir." I smiled. "Um this is my friend- I mean acquaintance Jessy." I gestured him to her. "Oh it's nice to meet you." He said giving her a handshake. "Nice to meet you too." She said. "Well come on sit." He gestured us to sit in the two available seats in front of him so we sat. "So how y'all doing this morning. What can I do for you?" He asked. "Well we're looking for a job for her and I was wondering would it be possible," I said. "Wow, and she came in presentable too. Now that's professional. And yes it would be possible. Cuz we don't really have a lot of people here, especially at night, so there should be a spot that can squeeze you in." He said nodding. "Ok that's great," I said. "So what job are you looking for?" The manager asked her. "Well I was thinking of working as a bartender," Jessy said. "Oh really? Lemme check if-if the positions are full." He took out his papers and checks. "Ok we have 5 positions that are open and pick whichever you like and I'll give you the application for that." He handed over the paper. I looked over the paper with her to see that there's 3 part times but one of them is during the day. The other 2 is overnight. Hmmm. I wonder which one she'll pick. I thought. "I made my decision. I'll go for the 4pm-11pm." She said handing the paperback. "Ok cool." He handed the application to me. "Just sign this and give it to Masa or me in two weeks or less." He said. "Thank you," I said as we both stood up. "We look forward to working with you." He said to Jessy and he shook her hand. After that, we left the suite. "This is great. Now I'll just have to apply." She said happily. "Don't forget that you would have to do an interview first." I reminded her. "Yeah, I know." She said. "You'll do great. Don't worry and don't stress. It'll be fine." I said smiling at her. "For now let's meet my co-workers and have a tour of the hotel so you can get a headstart," I said. "Ok." She responded.

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