Natsu's Bio and Scheme

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Natsu's POV

Heyyyyyyy what is good? The name's Natsu, here to fuck shit up....well...not really. Well, actually I am. A little info about me. I'm Natsu and I'm 2 years younger than my big brother Masa. I'm in college majoring in engineering and working as a bartender at a pub. Good pay, pretty cool. Assholes everywhere but you know how that is. A bit of an asshole to my brother, but that's just how our relationship is: teasing, laughing, joking, and loving 😊.

Anyways, I'm living with our mom. She wouldn't stop nagging about Masa not calling or texting her. I can understand him working, but he could've at least called her or leave her a message or some shit, make it easy for himself. But he's so stubborn as hell and he always makes excuses. So at this point, I dont even care. Anyways hanging out with him has been cool. Ever since he moved to another city, it's been hard for me cuz he's always been there for me. It feels a little weird living without him, honestly. But it also has been great because I get to steal his bedroom lol (his is bigger than mine and has a closet bigger than mine 😭😭).

Engineering has alot of math and computer science, and honestly it's a fucking DRAG 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️. I love it to pieces, but honestly I'm thinking about changing my major at this point. Welp, whatever. I took the summer term off to recharge cuz I already had a burnout, and im so fucking surprised that while I had the burnout, I passed my spring term. Fucking crazy, I know. I still don't know how I was able to do that, but I did. Then, told my mom that i was gonna go meet Masa. She was a little annoyed because of his lack of communication, but she still wants to talk and see him, so ill pass on the message. I also decided to stay with him for the rest of the summer and occasionally visit mom. I havent seen him in a while, so why not? I may be annoying as hell and a little bit testy, but trust me I'm only gonna be like that a little just for him not to kick me out.

Ehh.....I lied. I am so SO curious about Masa's little girlfriend. I mean the way he speaks about her as if she's an angel that came from the sky is too good to be true. Like honestly. She seems like a nice girl I wanna steal. I mean let's be honest, I'm jealous of Masa. I hated that he gets to do whatever he wanted and became Mom's favorite while me, the youngest one, has to take the most shit. He even took the girlfriend that I LIKED. Remember that girlfriend we talked about in high school and how I chased her away? Well that was my doing because HE stole HER away from me. He KNEW I liked her first, and still pursued her anyways. So I took her aside and told her that he actually had herpes, and guess what? She broke up with him. I tried to pursue her after and confessed, but she said that she didn't have interest in me. I was a little bit pissed off because I wanted her to come to me after the lie I told.

On top of that, Masa wasn't that affected, as if he knew that the relationship wasn't going to last. He also hates people that believes rumors instead of finding the truth themselves. He calls them sheeps and followers (which is most of the world). Doesn't mess with them or associate with them, that's why he's always alone, except when he's hanging out with Cazqui. He's always been a loner, didn't really had alot of friends. He was the opposite of me. I had alot of friends and participated in clubs and sports. I didn't have real friends tho, always fake ones. I'm jealous of the fact that Masa was able to have one real friend to be with, and I wish I had that. I love my brother, but the fact that he had everything I dont really pissed me off. So, I'm gonna take his little girlfriend and have her crawling to me, and on top of that, I'll even try to steal Cazqui as well. I bet Caz is even tired of being around Masa, that's why he's always out with girls and other people all the time.

Would I feel bad? Yea probably. Do I have any reason to do this? Ehhh probably not. But I don't like the fact that he's more successful than me or even better than me just because he's older. I'll show him that im not some little kid anymore and that I am not fucking around anymore. I may love him, but at the same time I resent him.

Staying with him will definitely give me that opportunity to meet his girl, but since he doesn't want me to meet her, I'll just do it by coincidence. Once I get to know her and have her rely on me, then I'll make my move to make sure that both this girl Jessy and Masa breaks up, have Caz and Masa's friendship ruined, and the victory will be mine to have everything I wanted. Its perfect cuz I'll be finally happy in the end.

But....don't tell Masa okay? I don't want him to know what im actually up to. So keep it a secret, yea? Anyways I'm off, you guys can go to the next part....when it's uploaded lol.

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