I Choose You

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Masa's POV

I decided to go to my job on my day off to tell the manager my decision. Now I know what's important to me in my life and that is Jessy. I also love my job here, even though it could be annoying too. I love my co workers cuz they always try to make the job enjoyable. I just can't leave that all behind. I'm sitting in my car in the hotel parking lot, preparing for what I'm going to say. Hopefully the manager will accept this. I finally got out of the car and walked inside. Logan was quick to greet greet me. "Hey man, what you're doing here." He asked. "Oh I'm gonna talk to the boss about the decision I made." I said. "Oh okay cool. So you're gonna take it, right?" He asked. "Um......well....." I was gonna finish until the manager saw me. "Masa, my boy. What are u doing bere? You don't have work today. Logan get back to work." He said coming up to me and Logan quickly left. "Boss, I need to talk to you about the transfer." I said. "Oh yea, that. Okay then let's go to my office." He said as I followed him.

When we got to the office, the boss sat down. "So what did you decide?" He asked. "I decided not to take it." I said. "Huh?" "I don't think I'm ready to leave it all behind. I love my job here and all of the co workers ghat I have worked with for so long. The one person that has made this job enjoyable is you. On top of that, I have someone that I love here. I dont wanna leave her. She's very important to me in my life that I donr want to leave here alone. She was the one person that made my job worth coming to. Yes, we had a rough patch, but we were able to work it out. Right now, I want to be with her. Regarding the opportunity, I feel like Logan deserves it. People don't recognize his efforts but I do. He works way harder than anyone else, so I feel like he should take it. Plus, he has the drive to be head manager and he's been talking about ever since his first day on the job. He definitely has a leadership spirit in him and I think that the opportunity should be given to him." I said.

The manager sits and listens. "Is that so?" He asked. "Yes." I said. The anticipation of what the manager might say is giving me anxiety. Like will he be pissed that I missed the opportunity or will he repsect it? Even working for him for so long, I can't even tell what this motherfucker is thinking at times.

"You know, I thought you were gonna take his opportunity for yourself, but-" He continues. Dammit I knew it. I thought. "I understand. It seems that you thought long and hard about this decision and I know this wasn't an easy one to make. It was a test, actually just to see if you're willing to leave behind the people you love for this job. You have a good and strong heart, boy. I can also tell that you're in love. Logan is a really really hard worker, and I see in him the same way you do, so im not gonna overlook that anymore. Highkey I was hoping you would stay." He said. "Then why present me this opportunity?" I asked confusingly. "Because I thought you were up to the job, and I also thought that maybe I could test you as well. I wanted to know how you really think and feel, being put in a situation like this. Plus, you're the best employee I've ever had and I also wanted you to do more than being here." "Boss...." "But don't worry. I'll give a letter of recommendation for Logan. You can stay here as long as you like." He said.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." I said excitedly. I gotta tell Jessy. I thought. I ran out of the office to go to the bar. When I got inside, I was shocked. "What the hell happened?" I asked. "Typical shit. You already know." Susan said. "Ahhh true. Ok Jessy, I need to talk to you. Can I?" I asked. "Yea sure." Jessy said. She escorted me to the back, which i think is the break room. We both sat on the couch. "So what did you want to tell me?" She asked.

"Well, remember the opportunity that I was given to go to LA?" I asked to start off. "Yea. What about it? Did you decide?" Jessy asked. "Well.....I decided to decline it." I said. "Huh? But why?" "Cuz I chose you." She looked at me blushing. "You didn't have to do that. Like, yes I wanted you to stay and-." I interrupted her. "All the more reason I chose you. Not only did I want to stay with you, but I feel like this is where I belong. I want to be where im accepted for who I am, and its right here with you and my co workers. Most importantly, I want to be with you too. To be honest, when you confessed, I didn't think you would feel the same way at all. It feels weird. But I want to pursue it with you, so.....will you be my girlfriend?" I asked.

Jessy covered her mouth in shock. "Are you serious?" She asked. "Yes, I am." I said while holding her hand. I saw her eyes starting to tear up and I panicked. "Are you okay? I didn't mean to make you cry, I'm so sorry." I said comforting her and then she hugged me out of nowhere. "These are happy tears, you dummy." Jessy said hugging me tightly. I hugged her back. "So, what's your answer?" I whispered. "Of course its a yes." She said and she kissed me on the cheek. This will officially be the start of our relationship and im so excited about what it is to come. To be kinda a.....what do u say....a jackass lol, I will never ever break her heart like her ex did. I still remember her crying by the bonfire and drinking herself away. I dont want her to go through that again. I want to see her beautiful smile everyday and make her happy all the time. Hopefully through this, I can continuously prove to her that im different and that she's also the one for me.

Damn I'm not good at writing cheesy and cringy stuff like I used to....hopefully it's good enough where it's not too cringy or cheesy lol

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