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We look back and learned from our past mistakes, we seek the growth that we endure during our experiences in life. Spring is the season of growth and the season that represents new beginnings.

Sometimes mistakes can make us grow and learn. Mistakes can make us who we are today. If we decide to be better. Mistakes can be our foundation to be a person who we really want to be. But mistakes can also be the cause of pains. Mistakes can also be your downfall.

To what extent can you do to have your own new beginnings?

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This story is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, businesses, events and circumstances are product of the author's imaginations or are used fictitiously. Anything you see that resembles a person both living and dead is purely coincidental.

Let's give love and respect to one another.

Welcome to the Seasons of Love Series, Spring.

September (Seasons of Love Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now