Chapter 43- Chrissie goes to the Future

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??? POV

So this is where Trunks went, the present time. Thanks to my time ring, I can time travel myself to wherever I like. Also thanks to Goku's body, I've become the most powerful and stronger than anyone else could ever be. When I find find that sinner, I will destroy him just like I did with Future Bulma ands his girlfriend and begin the zero mortal plan.

Wait a second, is that Chrissie, the sister of Son Goku? Wow she's so beautiful. I'm not going to kill her. I will take her to the future and claim her as my own and I don't care if she is married, because I can easily destroy that mortal myself.

Chrissie's POV

I'm standing next to Vegeta, Future Trunks and Goku when we all saw a dark coloured portal in the sky, and a figure come out of the portal. The figure looks like my brother, Goku but he's wearing black and red gi and was wearing one green earring on his right ear. The real Goku is standing with us and wearing orange and blue gi.

"No, it's Goku black. He's here" said Future Trunks who is shocked to see this lookalike of Goku.
"That's Goku black, Trunks?" I asked in confusion and Future Trunks nods his head for yes.

Goku black came down to the ground infront of us and saw Future Trunks stand infront of me and standing next to Vegeta and Goku.
"So, Trunks, it's seems that your father, Vegeta is alive and that lovely lady behind him (pointing at me) must be Chrissie. Well, it doesn't matter because I'm here to destroy all of you and take her as my own" said Goku black as he lowered his arm.

Vegeta steps infront of me with Future Trunks next to him, protecting me from Goku black. But Goku, (the real one) was smiling and was excited about it and wanted to fight Goku black so Black allowed it to happen.

"So, you're son Goku, the brother of Chrissie. I have to admit, she is beautiful and divine" said black as he and Goku were floating in the sky and facing Goku.
"Yes, I'm son Goku and yes that woman down there, is my sister but she's married and taken. So if you want her, you will have to go through me and her husband, Vegeta" said Goku.

Suddenly, Goku turned into Super Saiyan and got into his fighting status while black was just staring at Goku until a Black aura surrounded Goku black. They both started to fight in the sky, heading to the wastelands and then back to mine and Vegeta's house in the backyard.
Goku black looked like that he was never had been hit at all from his fight with Goku. Goku then fell from the sky to the ground and back in his normal form.

I go to run over to help Goku (who's on the ground and hurt) but then I heard Goku black say "oh no you don't my dear Chrissie". As Goku black said that, he flew down towards me, grabs me in his one of arms before extending his other arm and his hand turned into blade (a blade made out of Ki) and puts towards my throat.

My family, they couldn't do anything to help because Goku black had his blade against to my throat. Then I hear Goku black say to the others "if you try to get any closer to me, then you can say goodbye to this beautiful thing here. I'll have to admit Goku, you do have a very beautiful sister here who I will claim as my own".

With me in his arm and his ki blade against my throat, Goku black floated off of the ground and we both went up in to the sky while Vegeta, Goku and Future Trunks were watching with worry on their faces. Vegeta flew up into the sky infront of Goku black and I. But Vegeta was trying to be careful or the wrong move, Goku black could cut my throat and I could die infront of my husband.

I heard a noise behind me and Goku black and it was the same colour portal opened, Goku black backed away from my family with his ki blade on my throat and dragging me with him through the portal, I called out to my husband and brother and then I was gone

Vegeta's POV

My wife, the mother of my daughter and stepmother to Trunks is gone. I collapsed to my knees on the ground of our stoney garden path, I punched it with my two fists before letting out my angry yell and I suddenly brought out my Super Saiyan blue 2 (Evolution) for the second time in my life and the first time since the tournament of power.
Kakarot and Future Trunks looked at me in surprise. I saw the same royal blue aura surrounding my body that I saw in the tournament of power. With this power, I will use it to destroy Goku black and bring my wife home. Then I turned around and saw my daughter, Athena and she looked at me with a smile as she liked my transformation.

"Daddy, you're blue. Its pretty" Athena said as I picked her up and hugged her carefully and whispered "don't worry Athena, we'll bring mummy home, but I need to leave you with Trunks and auntie Bulma while Uncle Goku and I train. Ok?" I said and she said " Okay daddy. Please be careful"

I passed Athena to Trunks before they went to Bulma's house.
Trunks said to me that he'll take care of his stepsister, I nodded me head and then Trunks with Athena in his arms, flew off to Bulma's house.
Meanwhile, Kakarot and I thought about training with future trunks to get him ready to fight Goku black and to go the future to save my wife, Krysta (Chrissie) and bring her home.

But I swear if Goku Black hurts or harms a single hair on my wife's head, I will destroy him completely.

So we all got started to train but all I could think about was my Krysta.

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