Chapter 11- Captured by the Androids, Apologized and take back

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Vegeta's POV (while looking for Chrissie)

I have looked everywhere for Chrissie (Krysta) in worry but I couldn't find her anywhere but I can still sense her Power level. I went back to meet up with the others. "Where's Chrissie, Vegeta?" asked Piccolo. "We argued, I slapped her and she flew away. I could sense her Ki. I have been looking for her everywhere but I can't find her." I said. "We will find her, Vegeta" said Gohan. I nodded kindly for the kid and patted on his head gently because that's his aunt, Kakarot's sister that I love. "Unless, the Androids found her and took her to their hideout, we can sense her Energy" I said. "We have to find Dr Gero's hideout. She could be there" said Piccolo. "We will find the Androids hideout, we find Chrissie" said Krillin. As we fly to find the Android's hideout, all I can think about is Chrissie. If I didn't get mad at her or slapped her, this wouldn't have happened. How could I be so careless to her like that? Hang on Chrissie, we're coming for you and I'm sorry. On the way to the Androids hideout, we find my son Trunks from the future and he offered to help us find Krysta (Chrissie) and I said yes before I hugged my Future son before continued to look for Krysta.

Chrissie/Krysta's POV

I woke up, my eyes fluttered to a light above me, I couldn't move, felt strong straps holding me down on a stretcher, my mouth had tape on it so I couldn't yell for help, including a towel strip in my mouth and it was tied around my mouth (underneath the tape). I struggled to get free to get back to Vegeta and the others but I couldn't get out of the strong straps, so I gave up with tears in my eyes were falling down my cheeks. A needle was going into my right arm while I groaned in pain.

I heard Dr. Gero coming towards me, he stared at me for a second and said that I'll be a prefect Saiyan Android as he stroked my long, dark blue hair (which was tied back) but 18 and 17 didn't like the sound of that. Gero was just about to stab a scalpel in where my heart is (because he was gonna cut it out) and I shut my eyes waiting for the sharp scalpel to hit my skin, but a loud bang near the door and the door fell and I saw the other Z fighters and Vegeta. "Where is Chrissie" shouted Vegeta. I made some noises so Vegeta can come and find me. Androids 18 and 17 were waking up Android 16 and killed Dr Gero by ripping his robotic head off. Everyone including me was shocked and all 3 Androids escaped. As everyone else (except from Vegeta and Future Trunks) they went after the Androids, Vegeta and F-Trunks came over to me, took the needle out of my arm, took the tape off my mouth, untied the towel strip around my mouth and undid the straps and Vegeta picked and carried me bridal style with Future Trunks behind us while flying out of the hideout as it exploded. "Are you okay, Chrissie? Did they hurt you" asked Vegeta. "No, just my neck and arm hurts. Gero injected something into me and I was out" I said with tears coming out. "We gonna need Bulma to check you over in case something could be wrong. Ok?" said Vegeta. I nodded. As all three of us flew back to Bulma's house and as Future Trunks went to get Bulma, Vegeta said that he was sorry for accusing me of cheating on him and him slapping me because he was angry. I forgave him, kissed him on his lips, I fell asleep and he laid me on our bed and Future Trunks returned to the bedroom with Bulma to check me before they (Vegeta and Future Trunks) went off to find the Androids with the other Z fighters.

Future Trunks POV

Those damn Androids, they must've known that Chrissie, my future Step-mother is important to me and my dad, Vegeta. Chrissie may not be my real mother but I'm feeling close to her like a real mother-son relationship. After I got my real mother, Bulma to check on Chrissie, as me and my dad go looking for those cursed Androids. We were about to leave to meet up with the others, mum said that she'll look after Chrissie while we're gone and Vegeta kisses Chrissie on her head and walks out with me as mum begins to analysing the serum to use on Chrissie, thanks to Dr Gero. Before we left the house to go and find those Androids, I kissed Chrissie (my Step-mother) on her forehead and left her in the care of my real mother, Bulma and I left with my dad, Vegeta.    

Dragon Ball- Two Saiyan Lovers Vegeta X ChrissieOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora