Chapter 15- Party, Wedding and Goku's return

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Chrissie/Krysta's POV

A few years had passed since the Cell games and Cell was destroyed, Vegeta and I have been very happy but the one thing I was missing and that was my twin brother, Goku. One day, I was just putting clothes away, I gave Vegeta his armor clothes (cleaned and stitched together again) then I was putting away my clothes and my armor. Finally I found something in the clothes. It was one of Goku's outfits. In mine and Vegeta's bedroom, I clutched the outfit in my hands as I lay on the bed, crying. I heard young Trunks come in the room and hug me gently as I continued to hold Goku's outfit and hug him back. After a while, Trunks leaves the bedroom to play in his room. Then Vegeta comes home from training and walked up the stairs. He goes to check on his young son, Trunks who's playing in his bedroom with Goten. He said "Dad, Chrissie is crying in your bedroom". Vegeta pats his son's head gently, thanked his son and left Trunks and Goten alone to play and came to check on me.

Vegeta knocked on our bedroom door and asked me if he can come in and talk to me, I said yes come in Vegeta I need you. Vegeta comes in the room and sees me lying on our bed hugging Goku's outfit. Vegeta said to me "Don't worry my love, Kakarot will return. But we have an Anniversary party to attend and its Bulma and Yamcha's Third year anniversary. I'll come with you. And our wedding day is on this coming Friday so Kakarot should be back by then. Now come on, let's get ready for Bulma and Yamcha's anniversary". I nodded in agreement, wiped my tears away, left Goku's outfit on the bed and got ready in a dark red party dress (that Bulma gave me) with black high heel shoes with my long dark blue hair tied back and then flew to the party with Vegeta.

When we got to the party, most of our friends are there including Bulma and Yamcha. The party had begun and everyone was enjoying themselves including eating, drinking, talking, laughing and dancing. Next it was time for Bulma and Yamcha's dance. As they danced, Vegeta held out his hand and offered me to dance with him and I gladly accepted it then we started to dance together before our wedding day. After the party was over, I was feeling tried so Vegeta carried me in his arms bridal style back home and put me to bed. He whispered "goodnight my Saiyan princess" as I slept.

A few days went by and the Wedding day of me and Prince Vegeta had come. I was nervous about getting married to the prince of all the Saiyans as I stared at my Angel Necklace and Ring that my Parents and Raditz gave me while I was having a vision enduring the Cell games. All of the girls were with me at my house and to help me with my white wedding dress while the men were at Goku's place to get in to their suits. The Wedding dress that I was wearing was white with Blue flower Gems on it but with no sleeves, white heels and a train on my head with a tiara on my head. My hair was tied into bridal style with flowers in it.

Then before Bulma was about to help me with my make-up, I was in tears. Then Bulma came up to me and asked me "Hey what's wrong Chrissie, you're marrying the Prince of all the Saiyans so why are you crying?" "It's just that how can I do this without my brother, Goku there?" I said. "Well you'll soon find out. Now come on, let's get you finished up and then we'll head to the beach where the wedding is" said Bulma as I wiped the tears away with a tissue and thanked Bulma and hugged her.

As we finished up, the white limo arrived to take us the beach where the wedding is. At the wedding aisle, the bridesmaid's head down the aisle to join their men. I stood near the door to the aisle, holding my bouquet of red and white roses then next I felt a hand on my shoulder and familiar voice said "hey, you look so beautiful sis" I turn around and saw my twin brother Goku in a suit and had a halo above his head. I hugged him with a smile on my face and said "how are you here Goku?" he whispered a replied to me "Elder Kai sacrificed his life so I can be alive again so I'm back but don't tell Chi-Chi or anyone. You know, mum and dad would be proud, including Raditz. Now are you ready to do this?" "Yeah I'm ready. Just don't let me fall Goku" I replied to him with a sigh. "I won't let you fall Chrissie" Goku said as I wrap my arm around his arm. The wedding march started to play and me and Goku walked out into the sunshine and down the aisle towards Vegeta (who was wearing a suit with red jacket, white shirt, white trousers and white shoes with a red tie) and the priest. As we got closer to them, Goku kissed my cheek and hands me over to Vegeta and then Goku goes to join his family to watch me get married and the Priest started to talk. "Dearly beloved, we are gather here today to witness the marriage of Prince Vegeta and Chrissie Son" As we said our vows (repeating after the Priest), Goku was beginning to tear up for happiness with Gohan was rubbing his father's back while Videl was sitting next to Gohan, Goten was sitting on Chi-Chi's lap, Yamcha was crying on Bulma's shoulder, Krillin and 18 were sitting with each other and holding hands, Piccolo was happy and I just hoped that both of my and Vegeta's families and the rest of the Saiyans are watching us getting married.

"Chrissie, if I wished for anything, it won't be immortally, it would be spending everyday and every minute with you. I promise to love, care and protect you from harm" said Vegeta as he reads from a card for his vows. Then I said my vows, "Vegeta, ever since I first saw you, I knew I was in love with you. You have been my greatest opponent, strong prince and you have always been there for me when I needed someone beside me. I will love and obey you until the day I die". After saying our vows, young Trunks came up the stairs smiling with happy tears and with a cushion and two wedding rings on it. Vegeta and me put the rings on each other fingers and the priest asked Vegeta,

"Prince Vegeta, will you take Chrissie son as your beloved wedded wife, as hand to hold, in sickness in health and love her till end of days? Said the Priest and Vegeta replied "I do". Next the Priest turned to me and asked me,

"Chrissie son, will you take Prince Vegeta as your beloved wedded husband, as hand to hold, in sickness in health and to love him till the end of days? I replied "I do" I answered. "I now pronounce you both husband and wife (or Prince and Princess of all Saiyans) you both may kiss" said the Priest as he closed his book, as me and Vegeta kiss, everyone were sitting up and was clapping, whistling and cheering as me and Vegeta as newlyweds.

After getting married, we all headed to the place where the reception was. As everyone entered the reception, Bulma grabs a microphone and said "Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome the Prince and Princess of all the Saiyans, Vegeta and Chrissie" and everyone clapped as we entered the room.

The party was beautiful; me and Vegeta cut our Wedding cake together. We cut a piece for me and Vegeta, he put a forkful of cake in my mouth and I did the same to Vegeta and we both smiled. Next we danced to love me like you do by Ellie Goulding and Sacrifice by Elton John near the lake. After the dance, me and Vegeta sat on the grass near the lake shared a kiss. Then everyone cleared everything away, everyone went home after that and me and Vegeta went home too sharing our first night as newlyweds.

Dragon Ball- Two Saiyan Lovers Vegeta X Chrissieحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن