Chapter 13- Engagement announcement, training with Vegeta and meeting Cell

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Chrissie/Krysta's POV

The next morning, I was feeling much better; Vegeta was still asleep in bed as I went downstairs to make breakfast for us. As I finished cooking eggs, bacon and toast for Vegeta, I started to make pancakes for the both of us. I set the table for us and serve Vegeta's breakfast then I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I was cooking some toast for me when I felt a pair of muscly arms with gloves wrapped around my waist. I felt lips kissing my neck where he bit me twice, and I turned around and saw the face of my Saiyan Fiancée, Prince Vegeta. "Morning baby, how are you feeling today?" asked Vegeta, "Morning my Prince, I'm feeling much better. Your breakfast is ready" I replied. "Thanks my Saiyan Princess, you are not only just great at training, you are great at cooking too" said Vegeta. I smiled about what he just said and I thanked him with a kiss. I sat down after getting some orange juice for us and ate our breakfast. After eating breakfast, we both cleared up the breakfast stuff and plates before putting them away in their right places. We both decided to tell everyone else about the Engagement after taking a shower. Once we had our showers, we both got dressed in our Armor's. When we were done, I had a phone call from Yamcha that they are moving Goku to Master Roshi's house on his island. I thanked Yamcha, put the phone down and told Vegeta about what's happening. Vegeta held me by my hand as we left for Master Roshi's place to see the others and tell them about the Engagement too.

Once me and Vegeta arrived at Master Roshi's house, everyone including Future Trunks was waiting for us. I asked Piccolo about my brother, Goku. He told me that Goku will be okay. I sigh of relief that Goku will be okay. Then I asked for everyone's attention as I held Vegeta's hand with my hand with the Engagement ring is on and showed it to everyone in the room. "You two are getting married?" asked Gohan, I nodded and everyone was cheering, applauding and congratulating us as me and Vegeta shared a kiss. After the Announcement, I felt a strong Ki far of the island. But it was fading fast, I knew something wasn't right so I flew off after I told Vegeta that I felt something but I couldn't tell what it was though. When I arrived at the destination where the Ki was coming from, I saw Android 17 on the ground; he was in really bad shape. He asked me to come closer so he can talk to me. I walked closer to 17, he was hurt very badly and he was absorbed by a creature called Cell. 17 told me to tell everyone that we need to trust and protect 18 and 16 before Cell absorbs 18 to attain his Perfect form and destroys 16 and then he died. Vegeta and F-Trunks arrived and saw me kneeling over 17's body and asked me what happened. "What happened, Chrissie?" asked Vegeta, "Android 17 was absorbed and killed by a creature called Cell. He's already here on earth. We need to tell the others and then find Androids 16 and 18 before Cell does." I said to Vegeta. "We will need to train as well but this time I'm not leaving you Vegeta." I said. He nodded as we flew back to Master Roshi's house to tell them about happened to Android 17.

When F-Trunks, Vegeta and I returned to Master Roshi's house, I saw Goku was fully better again. I ran to him and hugged him happily. I showed the Engagement ring on my finger that Vegeta gave me. "You're Engaged to Vegeta?" asked Goku, I nodded happily. But then I turned worried. "What's wrong Chrissie?" asked Goku as he put his hand on my shoulder, "Android 17 had been absorbed by some creature called Cell. He told me to find Androids 16 and 18 before Cell finds them and absorbs 18" I said sadly as I hugged my brother and finance.

Next day, I trained with Vegeta, F-Trunks and Goku in the Gravity room. We were doing 150 times per Gravity. We were punching, kicking, sit-ups, push-ups and Ki powers testing. I've gotten stronger in the next few hours. Then I felt tried after all the training so Vegeta carried me up to the bedroom and puts me into bed. Vegeta took a shower before getting into bed with me. But the day after training, I got out of bed carefully so I wouldn't wake up Vegeta, F-Trunks or Goku. I took a shower, got changed into clean clothes and went out to look for Cell.

I flew around to look for Cell and there was no sign of him but I felt his Ki power level. So I got on the ground and looked around until I heard a voice. "Hello there young lady" said the voice. I turned around into the direction of the voice and there was a giant green bug like creature. "You're Cell" I said. "Yes I am, and you are a Saiyan right young lady?" said Cell. "Yes" I answered. "Well Cell it's nice to meet you but I must go now" I said as I was about to leave, Cell grabbed me by my arm and heard a loud snapping noise; Cell had broken my arm and my wrist as I screamed in pain and he laughed evilly.

Vegeta's POV

I looked around to find Krysta and I cannot find her. I asked Kakarot if he had seen his sister. He said that he hadn't seen her since the day before. So I continued looking for Krysta until I heard a scream that sounded like Krysta. I head towards to the direction of the scream. I landed and I saw Krysta and a giant green bug like creature. He was holding Krysta by her arm. "Let her go" I shouted "gladly" said Cell as he threw Krysta towards me and I caught her in my arms. When I looked back up, Cell was gone. I picked Krysta up bridal style in my arms and return home. When we got home, I put Krysta on our bed carefully and she apologized for putting herself in danger and got her arm and her wrist broken by Cell. I told her it's okay but just rest. But if Cell touches you again, I will kill him. I laid down next to her and she rests so her arm and wrist will heal. But in a week and 2 days, it will be the Cell games.

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