Chapter 34- The Nightmare for Chrissie

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Chrissie's POV in her Nightmare

In my nightmare, I woke up on the cold hard floor; I was chained to the wall by my wrists, waist, ankles and neck. My body was covered in scars and bruises. My bottom lip had dried blood on it to the corner of my mouth. I looked around the room, I saw old tiles on the walls and there was alittle light on the celling just bright enough to see what's in the room with me. I looked to my left and saw my brother, Goku chained to the like me and he's still unconscious but he's leaning against the old, tiled wall. Goku looked like that he had beaten up and his Gi was torn, his top part of his Gi was gone but his bottom part were still on him. Then I look to my right and I saw my husband Vegeta. Like Goku and I, he was chained to the wall. He's training suit top was gone too along his gloves. But he's awake. I'm so scared right.

"Vegeta, are okay?" I asked Vegeta, Vegeta looked in my direction and his eyes widens. "Krysta, I'm okay, are you okay?" he asked me. Tears were beginning to fill up my eyes as I look at my Husband. I tried to stay strong but I'm failing, so I lowered my head and covering my face with my hair.

Suddenly the door was slammed opened; Goku finally came around, three shadowed figures appeared in the open doorway. The figures were Frieza, Paragus and Broly. "Well, I see all three monkeys are finally awake. It's time for our revenge against all three of you. Starting with you, Vegeta" said Frieza as he pointed his finger at Vegeta. Broly broke Vegeta's chains, savagely attacked Vegeta before breaking Vegeta's right arm as I hear his screams in pain. Finally Frieza finished the job on Vegeta by killing him with his red beam (just like on Namek) as I screamed in sadness. Broly then threw Vegeta's now dead body infront off me. I was crying as I held Vegeta's cold dead hand. Then I heard Broly broke Goku's chains and dragged him away from me as I held out my hand to attempted reach my brother but he was already gone. Frieza laughed evilly and slams the door shut leaving me all along with my husband's dead body while I cried.

End of Chrissie's Nightmare.

Vegeta's POV

I woke up to Krysta's crying and grunting in her sleep. I sat up in our bed, I turned to Krysta, and I shook her shoulder and said to her "Krysta, baby wake up. You're having a nightmare. Baby please wake up". Krysta/Chrissie then woke up with a loud gasp. She was also crying too. She covered her mouth with her hand while I held her in a hug in my arms as I gently rock her to calm her down.

"Krysta, it's okay. You're safe and I'm here. Broly is not gonna get you. If he wants you, he will have to get through Kakarot and me.

But Krysta shakes her head for no. I looked to face her and stared at me with her tear stained cheeks before she said to me "Vegeta, my nightmare was about you getting beaten you by Broly before getting killed by Frieza and Goku was being taken away to be tortured by Frieza. Leaving me chained to the wall in a room with your dead body". She place her hands on my shoulders while I cupped her face with both of my hands as I say to my loving wife, "Listen Chrissie or Krysta, I love you and I won't ever leave you. You're my whole world, my planet Vegeta. You bared me with a child too. I won't let no-one hurt you or take you away from me or our family. Trunks and Athena, I won't let anything happen to them nether. I'll protect them and you with everything that I have." Krysta smiled at me like I smile at her. She hugged me as I hug her back protecting her from anything bad happening to her. Broly is still out there with his father and Frieza and both Krysta and I know that. Then after hugging my wife for 5 more minutes, we both lay back down on the bed and went back to sleep with our arms wrapped around each other.

Notice: Okay guys a couple of notices that i would like tell you. first of all thank you for over 300 reads. it's means alot to me so thank you so much.

second notice: i'm sorry that i've been away for awhile because everything was getting on to of my shoulders. so to let you guys know that the next chapter will be about the new broly movie but some of the chapter might contain spoilers and some might not because i'm gonna add some stuff in the chapter. so again thank you so much for the support on my book because this is my first book that i've been working on for more then 3 years. so i hope you guys are enjoying this book and thank you so much and i'll see you guys in the next chapter. love you guys and bye. :) 

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