On the way back to Ethan's house, he told me to talk to Julia again. I wanted to refuse but he made it seem necessary. So I promised him I would talk to her.

With that, he hugged me goodbye and I walked my hungover ass up to Ethan's front door.


In the morning, I rolled out of bed with a raging headache and bruised knees.

Good thing, I could remember exactly what happened the night before. Otherwise, I would be questioning my dignity.

Ethan was gone.

His bed was made, which told me he never came home yesterday. I frowned at his perfectly neat bedroom. It was strange. He never kept it this tidy.

I swallowed my pride and dialed his number.

He answered straight away with an annoyed grunt.''What do you want?'' He asked with a raspy voice. He was asleep? Where did he sleep?

''You're not at home...'' I cleared my throat, silently cursing myself for being so awkward.

''Yeah? And I'm surprised you are'' He scoffed.''What? Was it a shitty fuck? Is he a little small in the genital department? Hmm...what else could it be...'' 

''Forget it'' I hung up, not willing to listen to his disgusting jealousy. Instead, I took a quick shower and made my way to the bar.

The whole way there, I kept thinking of what I would say to Julia. I was still mad at her for not doing enough to take me away from my mom. I was mad that this whole time, I had someone else I could have called family. I was just so fucking mad.

But Jackson made me see things from a different perspective. He made me realize how important it is to listen to what other people have to say and to try and understand them. This not only made me want to sort things out with Julia but also with Ethan. I wanted to talk to him. Finally. I wanted to tell him how I feel.

I felt ready to hear what I already knew he wanted to say.

''Melanie, how's the hangover?'' Dylan greeted me from behind the island. I flipped him off and rolled my eyes as I shut the door.

''I feel fine'' I plop down on a seat in one of the many empty booths.''Is Meg here?'' I asked, throwing my feet up onto the table.

''Yes,'' He nodded.''So you better get those off that freshly cleaned table!''

I quickly dropped my feet to the ground, knowing how pissed off Meg is when someone messes with her cleaning.''That was close call, my friend'' I blew out some air, just as Meg emerged from the back room.

''Oh, Mel'' She stopped in her tracks for a second before smiling brightly.''Feels like ages since I last saw you!''

''Yeah, there's a lot going on...'' I chuckle, thinking back to the last few days. 

''Yeah, about that...'' Meg sat down beside me.''Dylan told me you talked to the lady yesterday...and it didn't look pretty. So, tell me what happened. Who is she and what did she want?'' 

I groaned, giving Dylan a quick death glare.

''Hey, it was either making Meg mad or you...and I'll take you being mad over Meg, any day'' He held his hands up in defense.

I rolled my eyes at him.

''Well, you can tell me when you're ready'' Meg stood up, dusting her apron off swiftly.''But she stopped by this morning...''

My ears perked up at this, waiting for her to continue.

''She gave me this and told me to give it to you'' Meg handed me a piece of paper.''She seemed really upset, so...go figure'' She shrugged before walking off into the storage room.

I stared down at the phone number Julia wrote neatly on a small credit card-sized piece of paper. How was I ever going to gather enough courage to give her a call? I couldn't just call her! What would I even say? 'Oh, sup! I know I told you to get lost but...I changed my mind, haha?' Yeah, no fucking way.

''Earth to Melanie Deen!'' Quinn's voice startled me, making me jump a little in my seat. Both Trent and Quinn burst into fits of giddy laughter and I rolled my eyes at them.

''Can't a girl get lost in thought for at least a second?'' I scoffed, shuffling over to make room for them. Quinn sat beside me, wearing a huge grin on her face. I gave her a weird look before turning my attention to Trent.

''Do you know where Ethan is, by any chance?'' I asked awkwardly. With the corner of my eye, I could see Quinn wiggling her eyebrows at this. So like any other normal friend, I slapped her on the thigh.

''Bitch!'' She shrieked right before faking a crying face.

''Emm...'' Trent scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably.''No. No, I don't know where he is...'' He looked like he was lying but I didn't question it.

What if I was wrong? What if Ethan doesn't feel what I feel?

With those thoughts, I started my shift.

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