Cain and Valentine's sidestory

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I watched my mate as he walked to me sporting a happy smile, he wore ripped jeans, a black shirt and his hair styled up in a hunchback. He looked stunning. We were headed out for lunch after waking up late on our second day of vacation.

I was the happiest mate ever in that moment.

I passed on as soon as his fingers intertwined with mine.

He was trying to give our relationship a go. Although we were mate, relationships between vampires or hybrids and werewolves were fragile and very often they get broken. But i had no intentions of letting Valentine go even if he tried to leave me behind.

I cannot mark him since i don't have a wolf and because of my vampire blood  i will be the only one sporting his mark. Thus i somewhat feel insecure, what if he wishes to be marked.

The only mark that i can arrange is through a third person, a tattoo artist. I could mark him with a tattoo but i wasn't sure he would want it.

But i was grateful, he agreed to spend time with me. This much is enough if he doesn't want the tattoo, i will not force him.

All that's left to do is to ask.

"Let's go mate." He squeezed my hand and pulled me out of the hotel room. He quickly locked the room.
"I'm starving!" He growled.

"Y-yeah okay." I gulped down saliva, hoping he will be this eager to mark me too.

He wanted me, i could feel it but i wondered if he would really give up on his past. Before our vacation  he was different.

Valentine didn't talk after the incident, he refused to leave my room, i knew it. Deep inside he felt ashamed, ashamed of what he had done to all these innocent lives, ashamed he killed so many, ashamed of himself.

He didn't want to face the truth, instead he had chosen to stay indoors. It had been a week already, since Angel had forgiven his acts, her parents accepted him too but he wouldn't give in. He thought i was playing tricks on him because i was too nice towards him.

The night after the war, he had slept without having dinner. I could hear his stomach growl the whole night long but he was still obstinate about not eating the next morning.


" at least the bread! Or if you want the milk, it smells wonderful, it is pure milk not the powdered one! Try it!" I poked his shoulder but he didn't turn around.

He still had his back to me and it hurt, my heart was in tremendous pain. And i guess the alpha female saw me that morning because the next thing i know is she came in bursting the door open like a tornado, hands holding a plate.

She glared at me to go out, while she approached Valentine with full blown force and determination.

I stood outside, but i heard everything. Curiosity overtook me, i wanted to peek in and so i did,
Angel sat next to my mate and she signed,

"You know.....the food did nothing wrong to you so you better gobble everything up before my eyes before i smack you hard between them eyebrows! I'm fed up of my beta looking like a dried up leech so please make an effort! No one's mad at you anymore, i know exactly how you feel right now." She paused.

"No you don't....." Valentine whispered.

Angel patted his head and turned to look him in the eyes,

"Isn't there disappointment sitting in your heart, hoping you could turn back time, wishing for him to have stayed back. Feeling helpless, weak and like a failure? Is your mind filled with sadness and your heart heavy with regret? You must be wishing you never existed huh?" She was direct.

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