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Third person pov

Orphelia awoke to a voice calling out to her, a calm yet terrifying voice. She sat up, scanned her surroundings and signed, she was all alone. The room was empty and quiet.

But she still felt as if she was being watched at times, was it her being paranoid or was it because she was in someone else's house. She never felt or smelled a scent around her but she felt watched.

She walked quietly down to the kitchen and poured herself some water. The kitchen had a big window with the woods as view.

She watched how the wind gave life to the trees, their branches moving in rhythm with each other as if they were waltzing their way into the darkness without the light, like couples searching for intimacy.

The trees stood tall together,as if they love each other and as if they live for each other. But as Orphelia watched these trees she felt envious, horribly envious.

She felt she had ultimately no hope of finding her mate. She felt lonely, Alois had his mate now and she was a broken toy thrown to the side. The fact that she was all alone amongst strangers including her best friend now shattered her a little bit.

But the fact that Alois found his mate also encouraged her to try and move on because she will someday too find her own person and wolf to cherish. The one man and wolf who would mean the world to her.

Orphelia did not hate Angel, she was not filled with jealousy. She knew that he would someday leave her, instead she was lonely and sad.

She had visited the packhouse library a few hours ago, she sat there quietly, so serene, set apart from the world of violence and fighting. But so alone. And it was such an indescribable and sublime loneliness. She was hurting.

She felt like an obligation to Alois but she didn't want him to follow her around, so she set herself apart. She does not want to be a barrier breaking others relationships.

Orphelia wanted to leave, no onein the pack seemed to be meant for her. She wanted to look for the mate who will keep her happy forever but she was too afraid she might get captured again.

But she definitely knew there was someone waiting for her out there. And once he found her, she would finally have a place to call home.

She was pulled back from her reverie by a tapping on the window. She walked up to the semi tinted classes, there was someone outside, someone with a heavenly scent.

She rushed outside through the back door and followed the scent. It went north to the pack house, the scent became stronger and stronger as she got nearer and nearer to the pack border.

She ran the fastest she could until she reached the border where that horrid head hung. From the shadows she heard a growl, she stepped back afraid to cross the border line.

"W-who are y-you?!" She asked loud enough for the other wolf to hear.

The man who came out from behind the dark tree, stood tall with a big body and bright blue eyes. His blond curls hanging low, he looked dangerous but he was not an alpha.

He was most likely a 3rd or 4th in command. He approached the border line and when his eyes met Orphelia's green ones, they widened in surprise and shock.

"What nonsense is this! You are my mate!" Were the first words that left his mouth.

She was disappointed, all the dreams of having a loving mate were destroyed. Instead the mate she had longed for watched her with disgust.

She looked down at her feet, she was once a beta's child, the next beta in line. Bht then everything turned upside for hwr as her pack was attacked and she had been tortured and kidnapped.

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