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Angel walked down the stairs of the packhouse to its kitchen where a few omegas were preparing breakfast for the other pack members. She greeted them and they bowed their heads to her in fear.

Angel grinned, she always found it amusing how they feared her presence, how she made them sweat as tension rose amongst them. The way they trembled as she scouted near them and sniffed the air, she smelled their fear.

Although she sported a divine name, she was the opposite. She was brought up to be Alpha Female ever since she was a child. She knew well how to hide her feelings.

All in all, Angel was known in the pack as being a very strong warrior and a scary leader to be.

She walked out the back door to the small garden where her parents Alpha Darius and Luna Gabrielle were planting flowers, one of their hobbies.

She smiled widely at her parents as they both greeted her and pecked her cheeks. She was an only child and thus she received an abundance of love from everyone.

Her mother couldn't birth a male pup to  own the lands after their demise thus Angel was trained to fit this status. She was the sweetest with her parents as her expression changes from serious to a goofy and embarrassed smile as she watched her mother and father compliment each other in everyways.

It was then that she thought about her mate. A mate she was terrified of. A mate she hadn't met yet but she would soon meet as she was nearing her birthday. She would soon turn 20 and that is when pups finally found their mates.

The legend was that the moon goddess perceived werewolves as fit to mate when they have reached 1/5 of their life basing their life span to be 100 years. Thus on their twentieth birthday, all werewolves that were meant to be would be.

Angel was not excited to find her mate at all. She was scared of engaging herself in something that required opening up to another person who she thought might use her weak points on herself to make her feel weak.

She avoided the mate topic like the plague.

Angel bent down pulling off some stray herbs trying to clean the plots of land infested by herbs terning their beauty.

"Hey Dar our baby's gonna have her mate soon enough, in two days to be precise. Isn't that exciting!" She squealed like a teenager.

Angel just shrugged and continued what she was doing but her mother hadn't had enough.

"Darling when i look at what you are cleaning, those flowers on that plot of land are just like you so beautiful and delicate but the nasty herbs surrounding the flowers are disrupting the flowers taking in part of their water, fertilisers...." before she could go on, her daughter stopped her.

"Mom....I'm fine the way i am. Don't worry, i am happy right now and flowers are fragile. Why do you even compare me with them? The wind can break those flowers but to me it is a mere breath passed on. I do not need to clean my acts, i was always this way and i will stay this way to look after this pack." She spoke truthfully but a hint of uncertainty was left hanging in the air.

Angel got up, brushed the soil off her pants and walked off but before she left she heard a whisper,

"I'm worried Gab." It was her father.

Angel didn't turn back.

She was an Alpha female in the making, although she didn't go out much she stayed in her office in the pack house, read articles about other neighbouring alphas and planned war strategies in advance based on different enemy packs' background.

She thought she was always prepared. What she did not know, everyone else did, they all were getting ready for her mate to appear and appease her blood thirsty and scary wolf.

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