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3rd person's pov

Nearly a month went by without any rogues attack, Angel was on edge, she didn't know what to expect anymore. She trained her wolves, made them tougher within nearly a month but was that alpha valentine just trolling?

But Angel didn't let her guard down, that man traded with witches, she didn't know what to expect if he was to attack. Although she looked rounder and couldn't shift no more, she personally took care of most of the training.

She felt Xander's absense, she felt lonely. She had no one to help her since Cain himself is in training. Her father pops up sonetimes to supervise, the delta and gamma also help train the new fighters but Xander was the best.

She would call him but they would converse for only a few minutes since he was busy training his pack. Angel started getting weird moodswings, after talking to Xander she cried for hours hiding in her office. Alois couldn't calm her down.

However what made Angel happy was the fact that her father was finally ready to give her full responsibility of the pack just like he promised a month ago. She was delighted but Alois seemed a lottle worried.

Orphelia neither joined training nor did she go into the woods again but she seemed more and more happy as the days passed by. He mate on the other hand looked tired, he looked worried.

Angel sat down on her bed panting, she found it hard to get up the stairs, her baby bump was in the way, a one month old baby bump that looked 3 times bigger than normal baby bumps. She was nervous. She never felt this tired before, it was nearing dinner time but she was famished.

She decided to wait for her mate first.

Alois was amused by Angel's restless face as he exited the bathroom. He laughed, gingerly bending down sticking his right ear to Angel's belly. She groaned,

"Hey hurry up! Im hungry!"

"Yes yes, let me just listen for a few seconds, i love that melody in your belly." He said making Angel cringe and push him with her leg.

Alois started to retort but Angel stared him down, she was getting grumpier and grumpier by day.

"So tomorrow's the ceremony?" He asked, turning slightly looking at Angel.

"Yeah." She simply replied.

"Do you think we are ready? You know with you being pregnant and all, it might be difficult....." he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yeah and whose fault is that? Anyway i'm pregnant not disabled!" She was sarcastic, she got up and poked Alois' back with her nail. He flinched,

"My nails are my weapons." Was all she said.

"What about that alpha rogue?" He sounded worried.

"It's been a month and i don't know what he is plotting. Everything went too quiet all of a sudden, we should all been on guard in case he plays dirty and decides to attack. But then too i know you will protect us. If tomorrow evening goes by smoothly, you will be alpha for real then and you will never be underestimated again for being born an omega." She patted his head as if he was a small child.

He smiled before picking her up in his arms, a habit he had developed ever since he learned he had gained weight and looked manlier than before but to Angel he was that feeble omega she needed to protect at all cost.

She hugged him tightly,
"Well that's better, i didn't feel like going down those stairs again, my legs hurt a little."

"Did you go see Doc Lawrence? Any appointment?" He asked an eyebrow raised, she shrugged.

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