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Dinner was nice, Alois and i ate up quietly but he kept glancing at the others table so in the end we joined them adding chairs next to them. He looked happy. He was slightly confused as the others spoke about things he didn't understand. Everyone ate up, cracked jokes, even Alois joined in at times but they kept glancing at me as if they needed to ask me for permission  before responding to him.

I just ignored the whole lot, glancing aroung the diner, it was oddly filled with children,  lots of children laughing happily surrounded by their family. I felt envious.

A normal family, a normal life facinated me. Being normal, i wished i was born a human, a human who was carefree, lived a life of free wills without status, without an already made fate, without a mate that is chosen in advance.

Humans are free to choose who to mate with and who to marry. They develop feelings slowly.

"Angel?" It was my mate.

"Huh? Yeah?" I asked in a daze.

"We are leaving, let's go." He took my hands in his and pulled me up.

I nodded, i glanced back at the children and their families one last time before i left, a smile on my face.

Hands in hands, a feeling of warmth filled my heart as we sat in the back of the jeep. Earlier Jaxon had volunteered to drive a little more, youngsters sure were full of energy.

I rested my head on Alois' shoulder, i felt him freeze but breathed normally a few seconds later. It was comfortable, i sniffed in his scent, i was high on his smell. Unknowingly i moved in close to him, my breath fanned his neck, he blushed.

His body stiffened but he didn't move. I pecked his neck, forgetting Jaxon's presence until he cleared his throat.

"Please stop, i am unmated and i feel jealous sometimes, so please restrain from acting like this." Jaxon's face was red.

I chuckled and hung onto Alois' hand tightly, he looked my way. He was turned on, he was definitely getting ready to continue whatever i started in the bedroom. My face was flushed with excitement.

I was warming up to him and his body.

After 15 minutes we arrived at the hotel. It was a six story building, simple but expensive enough. We had booked 4 rooms, they had to be shared.

The vehicles were parked next to each other, while the others played rock, paper  scissors to decide who was staying with who, i pulled Alois to the front desk where i got our room keys leaving all the others behind.

We got in, it was spacious and smelled nice. Alois set the bag on the table next to the tv and walked to me, who stood in front of the mirror in the bathroom looking like a mess.

He gently placed his hands on my hips and turned me around, his lips wore a beautiful smile. He leaned down and captured my lips, he was happy.

We didn't speak much but we conveyed our messages through body language and we understood each other very well.

He bit down my lower lip, demanding entrance which i quickly allowed. His company was growing on me, when i couldn't feel his presence weirdly i felt lonely. Although i have always been the one who avoided being in the presence of others for long.

He was changing me. I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him closer. He moaned, his right hand moving to my butt and he squeezed it.

He really liked my ass! I was amused.

Yes i do....he responded.

I was getting used to everything about except him being inside my head.

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