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Serene was threatening to take over and tear this woman to pieces. Angel took in deep breaths trying to calm down but when Serene was angry,it was hard to.

She abruptly pushed Alois out of the way, waking him up. Her mate was confused but wide awake. He smiled up at his mate not minding that he had been pushed. Soon that smile of his turned to a frown as he noticed the she wolf to his right.

He gasped and stood up. Orphelia looked passed out but groaned and slowly opened her eyes. Her first thought was how beautiful the woman standing next to the person she has loved for a long time was.

Angel looked down at Orphelia with pure hatred. She was pissed but at the same time concerned. Why didn't she smell the putrid smell of that rogue.

She sniffed the air, now the horrible smell was evident. She also wondered why no one else in the pack had chased her out.

'Maybe because they were likely to be asleep' Serene was agitated. She was not happy about how close she was to her mate, she whined in frustration.

Angel felt like she was getting weaker and weaker or was she being fooled by the mate bond again.

Orphelia sensed danger and cowered behind Alois which in turn angered Serene more. She growled weakly with fear at Angel who took it the weong way.

She took it as defiance. A threat.

She grabbed her by the hair and pulled her in plain view, the girl didn't cry out in pain nor did she scream. Angel did not growl instead caught hold of her neck squeezing it.

Alois was late to intervene but he did, he was fighting an internal battle with his wolf who didn't want to have anything to do with Orphelia.

"Stop!what are you doing?!" She did not stop.

"Angel! Calm down, stop now." He put his hand on her arm, she instantly leg go, glaring daggers at him.

Orphelia was on the floor gasping for air, red in the face.

Angel was infuriated, so was Serene. She walked away for the second time.
'How dare he bring her home!' Serene was not happy about that.

Alois did not follow her this time. He stood and watched her leave. He did not know what to do. Stay with his friend or follow his mate, his wolf whined wanting to follow his mate and he knew that was the only right thing to do.

But Alois was indecisive.

Orphelia was his friend for a long time and he still felt attached to her not a romantic attachment. He felt sad because she was still in unknown territory and to leave her alone was a mistake.

He took her to the only place he knew safe, the bedroom. It was not his, it was not hers but both of them stayed there. It was only a room.

He took out clothes from Angel's wardrobe, showed her the bathroom and left looking for his mate.

He went down the stairs and found her in the living room. She sat her back to him on the couch staring at the black tv screen.

Once she felt his presence she stiffened.

"What do you want?!" She snapped. "Leave me alone. I need to figure myself out."

He did not leave instead he moved forward. He approached her slowly without saying anything which was wise of him.

He wanted to comfort her.

"I sincerely don't know why she was there. I asked for her to be released but i thought she would get a room. I-I only wanted her to be free, i felf guilty because she was left alone there. She was my friend before she bacame my lover back then." Angel didn't respond.

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