*17* Orphelia's decision

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It's been two days since Alois and Angel went for their job. Orphelia was alone all the time, she stayed in her bedroom most of the time except for when Delta Bright would accompany her to breakfast and for a walk outside.

Orphelia found her nice, she was always joyful when she spoke of he day she might find her mate. Marine talked about how she from pack to pack searching for her mate butnever came upon any trace of him.

Orphelia listened but never added anything about her mate. She remembered her mate's rejection and her wound, deep wound inside her heart would flare up in pain again.

She would cry in her room at night when no one would be there to listen, when only the Moon Goddess witnessed her suffering. She would sniff hard enough for her nose to hurt on every small walk to try and catch his scent but she never did.

On the other hand, she was also perplexed as to why her mate, being a rogue was near the border when he was in a pack of rogue and not on his own.

Orphelia was unaware of many things happening in the pack but she didn't want to meddle. She had lost hope of ever being happy and having a family. She was a numb shell, sometimes she had no control over her own body.

Her feet keep taking her back to the spot where for the first and last time, they touched, held hands.

It was on that Thursday night, when the whole pack except for the patrolling guards,  walking the pack borders were asleep, she sneaked out of the pack house.

Orphelia couldn't fall asleep, she felt uneasy, so she started walking. She was not conscious of where she was heading, her wolf was guiding her and she didn't halt her.

She felt bad for her wolf.

But her hasty steps were interrupted by the guard, a big man with short pitch blaxk hair and alkond shaped hazel eyes. Orphelia felt intimidated. She didn't know his name, but the man knew hers.

"Rogue Orphelia, what are you doing here?" His loud yet calm voice brought her back to reality. She looked around and gasped.

"I-I-I don't know, my legs just brought me here." She was embarrassed but she spoke the truth. She was confused but her gut feelings told her to keep going. She wanted to search without knowing what she was looking for.

The big man in front of her looked coldly down at her and shook his head,
"Go ahead, but i cannot guarantee your safety out there. So be back safe and sound, that is if you are not thinking of running away again." He told her matter of factly.

She looked up at him, warmth travelling to her face, she felt safe and wanted for a few seconds as he spoke about her safety. She thought for a second there that he cared.

"I will not run!" Although she was hurting inside, but she spoke confidently.

The man shrugged and turned away from her, he did not know why he even stopped her, he couldn't care less about her. It was none of his business but he couldn't stop himself from warning her.

Orphelia ran into the darkness, hiding amongst the shadow, she stopped for a few deep breaths behind a tree. She could not tell where she was right then but she could easily find her way back.

She froze when a familiar scent hit her nose, she instantly hid her scent not wanting to be caught. She was curious as to what he was up to.

She slowly peeked from the left side, hands on the dirty tree trunk. Her eyes widened in shock and excitement. It was really her mate, looking glorious standing under the moonlight with a stern expression.

He was talking and gesturing to a man in front of him. The man was shorter than him, but from the angle she saw him from, she was amazed but at the same time, she was terrified.

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