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Request for Squish98

hope ya like ittt. sorry it took a while.

Topic; don't get along with jonah but things change.


"Zach! do you wanna go get some food with me?" I ask all bubbly and smiling. I see jonah sitting on his phone on the couch out the corner of my eye, glaring at me. Jonah and I have never really gotten along with one another, There was always some beef between us. Right off the bat of us meeting, we didn't like each other.

I live with the boys because I lost my apartment due to my asshole of a landlord. they let me live with them, well jonah wasn't exactly excited about it.

He's always so cocky and rude towards me. I've tried my best to be nice and ignore him, but he always has something to say.

"Sure! let's go" Zach replies standing up and grabbing his jacket. "Can I come shorty?" Jonah teases. I turn around and glare at him before turning towards zach. He gives me a look and I roll my eyes. "yeah fine" I mutter.

we all pack into the car and of course, he has to sit next to me. He smirks at me and nudges my shoulder but I roll my eyes and turn away.

Once we got back home, I walked down the hallway towards my room when I run into a hard chest. I look up expecting it to be zach or something but to my luck, it's Jonah.

"watch where you're going nerd" he says annoyed. I glare at him and push past him making sure to hit my shoulder against him.

"fuck off Jonah" I snap back at him causing him to turn around quickly.
"excuse me? what makes you think you can talk to me like that in my house?" he steps closer.

I scoff and roll my eyes at him. "Your house? wasn't Corbyn the one who bought it? you guys share it. I live here too dick." I reply in a pissed off tone.

he's always tryna argue with me and it's really aggravating.

I can physically see him getting upset by the minute. "I didn't agree with having you stay here, everyone else did. I don't want you in this house anymore y/n." He raises his voice walking out into the living room. "It's not up to you Jonah"

I follow behind him.

"Why are you such an asshole all the time? What is your issue with me? I never did shit to you, yet you're always so rude towards me." I raise my voice as well.

"My issue, is you're fucking annoying y/n. I can't ever seem to get a break from you. You're loud, you always get what you want, you complain everyday, I just can't stand you anymore." He yells.

"I can say the same about you Jonah. You're cocky, you're lazy, you act like you own the place, you're incredibly rude to everyone, what makes you think you're any better than the rest of us? just quit being a dick and maybe people will actually like you." I reply now extremely pissed off.

just then, the rest of the boys walk in the door. "Woah woah what's the problem?" Jack asked setting bags down.

"Jonah's the problem." I say crossing my arms.
"Oh please, you're no ray of sunshine either." He scoffs.

"That's it!" Corbyn yells. "We've had enough of your guys fighting and arguing everyday."

"You two need to get over it, and make up." Daniel says.
"We're leaving and locking the door behind us. You two are gonna stay here, and become friends."

"Wait-" I start but they cut me off by shutting the door.

I groan and turn around slumping on the couch. Jonah ends up plopping next to me.
I ignore him and go on my phone when I feel him kicking my foot. "Can you stop?" I ask.

He smirks at me and continues kicking me. "mm no"

"Jonah i'm serious, knock it off." I say not looking up from the screen in my hand. Even when I tried moving, he found a way to do it.

"Jo-" he cut me off but what I didn't expect was his lips on mine. I immediately pull away and see him smiling at me. "w-what was that?" I stutter. My hand on his chest keeping our distance.

"I've always liked you y/n. I was always rude to you because I liked you and I didn't know how to tell you." He says.
"are you messing with me?" I ask raising an eyebrow as he grabs onto my arms.

He chuckles and shakes his head no closing his eyes for a second. "No y/n I'm not. I've liked you since a little after we met actually"

"Jo... I can't believe I'm saying this but I like you too" I reply looking him in the eyes.

He smiles and leans in again but this time I kiss back. It starts to get heated pretty fast
I wrap my fingers in his hair and tug on it a little earning a groan from him. He pulls away slightly and once I try to lean in again, he pulls back teasing me.
I smack his chest and he laughs "okay okay"

just as he's about to lean in again, the door opens. "YES!" Zach yells throwing his arms in the air. I start blushing and Jonah scratches the back of his neck awkwardly. the boys start cheering and I hide my face in my hands.

"About time" Corbyn says with a smile.
"I knew it. pay up" Daniel says turning to Jack who just rolls his eyes and hands him a $5 bill.

Once the boys go back to their business Jonah speaks up. "you're cute when you're embarrassed." he winks and I roll my eyes pushing him away in which he grabs me and swoops me down to kiss me. I let out a high pitch squeal in the process.

We both laugh coming back up. "Be mine y/n"


sorry this was kinda ass. Hope ya like it
Hey! this is my 50th imagine!!

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