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My last requesttt! Well.. Last one to catch up on. Hope you enjoy this one.

Request for why_dont_we_lover_ss

Topic; you're scared of thunderstorms and jack comforts you


I read the words on my phone screen.
Thunderstorm warning tonight

I hate thunderstorms. how am I gonna make it through the night?
I sigh and head upstairs to the bedroom where Jack already was. Climbing in, I feel him wrap his warm hands around me tightly.
I smile and breathe in his nice scent before slowly falling asleep.

I wake to a loud crash outside, causing me to jolt up. I hear the loud rumbling of thunder outside and I whimper, curling up in a ball. I hear another loud crash along with a flash of light which makes me scream.

Jack beside me immediately wakes up, and frantically looks around only to see me crying against the bed frame.
He sits up and pulls me into him, rubbing my leg.

"Hey hey what's wrong?" He asks sweetly. I sob into his chest for a little more but pull away for a second.

"T-The thunderstorm I-I can't-" He cuts me off by pulling my head back down into his chest and rocking me slightly. "Shh it's okay babygirl. You're safe, I'm here" Jack coos.
Once again, Another roar of thunder erupts in the night sky and I shrivel up in fear, crying uncontrollably.

"Hey, y/n look at me. You're okay, nothing's going to hurt you. Just focus on me and nothing else, okay?" He says holding onto my cheeks lightly. I put my hands over his and sniffle, slowly but surely calming down.

Thunder and lightning can be heard outside and I squeeze my eyes shut waiting for it to pass.
Jack pulls me into him once more saying sweet things and distracting me from the loud noises outside. "You're cute when you're scared, you know that?" Jack smiles. I smile back and giggle after.

He runs his index finger up and down my arm, giving me chills but also calming me as well. "Relax and go to sleep baby. I'll be right here when you wake up" he whispers kissing my head.

Eventually, the storm passes and jack cuddles me as close as he can into his chest, falling asleep shortly after.


Sorry it's kinda short.

If you have any request, just dm me or comment what boy, and what the story's about and I'll get that to ya. Also, thanks for over 5k reads. Whattt?! That's crazy.

Why don't we imaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon