Perfection - Jackson Wang

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You and Jackson are a couple and it been a year that you two still love each other. You two are partner for a science task since yo our teacher ask you to partner up for it. At first you actually didn't want to partner up with Jackson but, the way he plead you, you just couldn't resist it. So you accepted Jackson offer to be a pair with him for your science task.

You did a perfect job on your part of the task but you still ask Jackson if it's suitable with his preference and also the teacher. At first, Jackson thought this is just how you complete your doing it perfectly and he was amaze by your dedication. Later, Jackson realize it wasn't only your work that you wanted to be perfect but also the way you act with him. He never really realize these kind of habit you had until he ask you a question of fact that he find quite funny so he try to make a joke about it but you had stayed quiet about it and just nodded with it.

Jackson find it odd and observe these habit of being perfection of yours. Then he soon come to conclude that you are trying to do be perfect in any possible way you can and not make any mistake. After school finished, you are now at your locker, taking some stuff to bring home. You close it and to your surprised, Jackson was leaning down beside you.

"Jackson... Don't you have fencing today? What are you doing here?" You ask.
"I ditch it...just for today" he shrug, putting his hand in his pocket.
" huh? Won't your father be mad at you?" You ask worriedly.
"That can wait...I want to ask you something" he ask seriously that make you somehow stiff.
"Wha..what is it?" You ask, smiling nervously.
"Y/n...why are you acting no..I mean trying to be perfect?" He ask.
"I...maybe it's just my habits...cause you know my parents is quite stick when it come to my study hehe" you said nervously.
"You're're hiding something from me" he ask.
"No..I wouldn't lie to you, Jackson" you deny it.
"Hey are the having a argument ?" A bystander whisper to her friend.
"I don't know...maybe" she replied to her friend.

Jackson sigh by the sudden intruder, he the change his attention at you and then pull your hand to somewhere more private. He lend you to a room which was now empty and then lock it behide him.
" now tell me what is making you acting these way and also  tell me the truth y/n" Jackson putting his hand on both of your shoulder.
" will make you hate best that I act this that you wouldn't hate me" you looking down on your feet.
"Please y/n..I can't bear to watch you like anymore... You're not acting as yourself...I'm sorry that I just realize these about but now here I please tell me the reason why" Jackson tilt his head toward you.
" will just make us worst and soon you will leave me too" you trying to hold in the sadness in your voice.
"Too?..Y/n...I will never leave you over something so small...I just wanted to know what made you act this way.. Because I know that this isn't the real you...the first time I saw were this down to earth, go with the flow, and much more kind of girl...that is why the reason I have fallen for you" Jackson said that made you touch by his words.
"You sure that you won't hate me after...I told you ?" You hug him.
"I won't and never will" he hug back, leaving a kiss on top of your head.

You pull him to a chair and ask him to seat on it. You too take a seat on a chair and sit infront of him. You sigh deeply to get ready to tell him the real reason why you act to be perfect all the time when you're around him.
"I..use to date this guy, he use to go to this school but later move  to his mother country and attend the school there. We date for 2 years actually, he was on top of all his study but also do sport in his spare time... He was like every girl's perfect dream boy and I was thinking that I have to match with his status but I didn't because it just isn't me. I use to be clumsy all the time...and when I mean all the time..I really meant it." You said
"You can be quite of clumsy...but I found that cute about you" Jackson chuckle and take a grip on your hand.
"Thanks Jacky~ Well..he did first he found it cute too but soon later he found it annoying...whenever I make a mistake, I will always apologize to him and he at first was ok but then soon he will always get annoy by it and compare me to people. I was hurt that he compare my small mistake to other people. Making me guilty about myself but I let it pass me because I assume that he was just not in a good mood but I was wrong...he had always been irritated whenever I'm with him...he will always find my clumsiness and my mistake as a stress for him to handle and even ask me to be perfect for once."
" that guy seriously! Aish!! How dare he said that to my woman!" He clench his fist and angrily frustratedly run through his hair.
"He wasn't at fault...I too was wrong to assume that he will always be there to correct my mistake...I always depend on him and I shouldn't have put him on such much weight...once he also ask for some fact but I jokingly answer it and it makes him more frustrated with me...telling me that I'm not taking it seriously and then left me there..I try to call me but he ignored me for days, after he that he ask me to meet him at the back of school, I though he wanted to apologize to me that he was being harsh to me but the look in his eyes was different...he was still irritated to see me and even doesn't want to hear my voice. He then told me that he wanted to break off with me and tell me that I'm not acting seriously, not perfect to him and too childish for him...he had grown tired of my mistake..he was done with it....and that is why  I tend to act these way Jackson...I just wanted to suit to your status and" you bite your lower lips to hold in your tears, after remembering the old past.

Jackson notice it and quickly pull you into a hug, he caress you head to tell you that he is here for you.
"I won't ever do that to you y/n... Everyone make one is perfect so please don't hurt yourself by being perfect all the time" Jackson whisper that made you sob on his shoulder.
"I just..I just thought doing so will make you more happy being with me and not leave me" you said, hiding your face under his neck.
"I'm already happy being you...just be yourself  is everything I don't need to have this character that you aren't y/n..your perfect just the way you are" he said that make you cry more.
"I'm sorry..." You said.
" didn't need to apologize...I'm sorry for not noticing it sooner and ask you about bear it long enough..just let it go~ I'm here for you" he reassured you that made you more calm.
"Thank you Jackson Wang...I'm grateful to have you in my life" you broke the hug and wipe your tears to see him clearly.
"I too am grateful that you're now free from those burden...thank you for telling me even tho I know it's was hard to let it out" he push a strain of hair behide your ear.

A smile creep on your face and then give a peak on Jackson lips that also made him happy to see that now you act more like yourself rather than the fake you.

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