New Chapter - Kim Yugyeom

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You are a single mother, you have a son name Jeon Jungki who is now 8 years old. Your husband left you for a other woman so you are a divorce wife but your son doesn't know that was the real reason his parents divorce. Soon later you met with Yugyeom and you both fall for each other, like it was you both are meant to be together. Later after a year, you told Yugyeom that you have a son and asked him if he wanted to meet him.

Yugyeom was delightful to meet your son and even want get to close with him cause Yugyeom lreally want to be part of your life. In another hand, Jungki doesnt like him and demand for you to be with his dad. Eventually, you got frustrated with your son tantrum and scold your son for behaving mean to Yugyeom. Yugyeom said that it was fine and he can handle it so he ask you to calm down and let him be woth your son together alone for just a moment to ease the misunderstanding.

"Jagi~ can you leave me and Jungki alone for a moment?"  Yugyeom ask, rubbing your tight.
"But.." You were actually worried of Yugyeom instead of son.
"It's fine..I can handle you go take a rest and calm yourself down for a bit" Yugyeom place a peck on your forehead.
"Just be careful of Jungki..ok he may look soft but he's really tough like me" you warn Yugyeom.
" I will be fine..hey..I survive being with you for a year..I think I can handle Jungki" Yugyeom reassured you that made you chuckle with his sarcastic.

You stood up and ask them to be in good term after you had rest your head for a bit. After you left, Jungki had stayed quiet and the atmosphere between him and Yugyeom was quite awkward.

"So..Jungki what are you into nowadays?" Yugyeom ask.
" kamen rider" Jungki replied straightforwardly.
"Well..I heard that they will release a movie of it how about we three go watch it together?" Yugyeom ask.
"No daddy will go watch it with Mae and mummy..he promise me that" Jungki confidently said.
"But..Jungki, well won't it be nice to watch it with me?" Yugyeom ask that make Jungki glare at him.

Yugyeom know behide Jungki's glare and looked away. So he try to come up with another thing to say until Jungki was the one who start the conversation.
"Look..ajusshi, it's better you don't be with my mummy because daddy will be with mummy again" Jungki said.
"Jungki...I know you're old enough to know this but I'm sorry...your mummy " Yugyeom was about to say but got cut off by Jungki.
"No..ajusshi is wrong! Mummy and Daddy will be together again..I know they will some day" Jungki bite his lip.
" knew didn't you?" Yugyeom ask sympathy.
"Mummy and daddy will be together...I know so.." Jungki voice gotten thinner.
" did you knew?" Yugyeom put his hand on Jungki's shoulder.

Jungki had got silent and it took a few minute before he could say another word to Yugyeom but Yugyeom didn't push him  and just waited for Jungki to be ready to tell what he had know.
"I was still small... It was the day when mummy have to work for a day...I was already asleep but then I heard our  door opened..I thought mommy got home early was actually daddy come home from drinking..then I saw a unknown woman beside daddy" Jungki stories as his tears fell down on his cheek.

Yugyeom know how the story will go so he embrace Jungki into a hug and comforted him.
"Daddy told me to keep quiet and don't tell mommy about it but I did tell mommy and that made mommy and daddy into a fight...they were screaming..I was scared because it was my fault...that mommy and daddy was fighting" Jungki cried harder.
"Shhh...there there... Let it all's not your fault was never your fault.." Yugyeom caress his head.

You actually heard that Jungki was crying so you went out to check up on them. You heard all what Jungki had confes to Yugyeom, you covered your mouth..surprised that your son actually blame himself for your divorce. You want to got comfort him but you know that Yugyeom can handle it because you trust him. You just watch them from the corner not wanted them to know you are there.

"Sorry...I smeared my mucus on you" Jungki sniff.
"It's fine...but are you ok?" Yugyeom ask in concern.
"I love mommy and daddy and I want them to be together forever  but I know mommy aren't happy if she stay with daddy...that why they aren't together anymore" Jungki held his head low.
"Hey...I know that you miss your daddy and mommy being together but mommy is better without daddy because she have you beside him...being with you give her strength to move on from the pain..and she's grateful to have you with her" Yugyeom wipe Jungki's dried tears which his sleeve.
"Really? I really important in mommy life?" Jungki ask.
"Yes you are...she love you so much and I know that are always the one she talk about nonstop" Yugyeom smile.
" know what...mommy talk how great you are to be in her life and she become really happy after seeing you...I can see why mommy love you too" Jungki said then hug Yugyeom.

Yugyeom was surprised by Jungki sudden soft gesture and hug him back.
"Please be nice to mommy and promise me ajusshi won't leave mommy" Jungki took out his pinky.
"I guarantee you that ajusshi will take good care of you and mommy..forever" Yugyeom made a pinky promise with Jungki.

You were so touch by their warm gesture for eachother. So you decided to come out from your hideout and attack them into a hug that kind surprised them for a moment.
"Mommy?" Jungki said.
"Y/'re awake?" Yugyeom ask.
"I love you both very very much !" You pull them into a tighter hug.

Yugyeom and Jungki exchange look and smile. They hug you back and said they love you too.

GOT7xAHGASE [BOOK 1] 💚Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ