Ex-crush - Im Jaebum

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You are in a reunion with your ex high school classmate at a bar nearby your living area. At the moment you were having so much fun catching up with your classmates life. You were amazed how much your classmates had achieve their life, as for your life it's just normal nothing amazing happened yet... until he came. The boys were cheering that he actually come by to join in since he's been busy with his idol life it was non other than Im Jaebum from GOT7. The girls were amazed how much he had changed from the past year and so were you, he gotten handsomer from the last time you saw him.

You were happy that he come by for the reunion yet feel sorrow with his presence. At the moment you gotten quieter and was trying to left out from their conversation with Jaebum until...someone remind you of your past with him.
"Yah..yah.. Do you still remember about your relationship with Y/n~~~~ " Wonho, who was sitting beside Jaebum wiggling his eyebrow at him.
" ahh!! Now that I remember !! Y/n have a huge crush on Jaebum back in high school~" Yuji clapped and pointed at me and Jaebum.
"Aww~~~ back then it was so cute to watch them being lovey dovey with eachother~ don't you think so?? " TaeHyung state as he gave Jaebum a pat on the back.
"So what happened between you two? Did you guys dated or did something juicy happen?" Jihyo ask you then look back at Jaebum.

Jaebum didn't respond to any of their question yet just gave them a smile while you were getting anxiety...thinking what you should answer. Jaebum notice your anxiety and try to change the topic by telling them his recent tour. You sigh in relieve and jug down your beer. As the time past by you were getting tipsy after you jug down 5 glass of beer in a row. Your best friend, Suzy was trying to stop you from drinking more since she was getting worried of you but you didn't listen to her.

"Ok~~ Annyeong .... Let do a reunion like this again " your former class president said.

All of your classmate had already left and bid you goodbye while you are really drunk and ask Suzy for another round. She was having a hard time supporting you on her shoulder.
"Y/n that's enough! I have to send you home now...." Suzy scold you.
"Ahh~~ Suzy~~ come on let's go another round hmm~~~" you did an aegyo yet she didn't give in with it.
" Y/n jebbal.... I need to go home now....my husband and my kid is waiting for me" she plead for you to cope with her.
" ahh...Suzy you're no fun...." You pout, pulling yourselves to stand up properly by lost balance in second.

You were about to fell down on the side road but it didn't hit you. You open you eyes to see you were in someone arms. You turn your head at the person direction and to your surprised it was Jaebum! You push yourself from his arm and try to stand properly but stumbled a bit. Suzy went to you and apologize at you since she couldn't send you home for personal reason, you were a bit sad but told her that's it ok...you can go home by yourselves.

"Suzy...how about I send Y/n..." Jaebum said.
"Nae? No... I mean..if you insisted...well if you have the time to" Suzy reply him with a bit guilt under her tone.
" it's fine...today it's my free day and beside it's already late at night...it's hard for Y/n to grab a taxi at this hour" Jaebum stand, change his direction toward you who are sitting down on the sidewalk.
"Jaebum-ah... I hope you aren't helping her because you felt sorry for her in the past... And please consider her feeling if she started to talking nonsense about you in the past..hmm?" Suzy ask for Jaebum to be understanding about your feeling.

Jaebum nodded and reply Suzy... He is just giving  helping hand as her friend. Suzy understood what Jaebum meant but she can sense he wasn't being truthfully being honest with his feeling for you. Jaebum got you in his car and drove you toward your house. Every time he got a chance he will steal a quick glance at your sleeping position. A smile plastered on his face as he thought how cute you are sleeping beside him.

After the both of you reach your house, he carefully put you on the bed and tuck you in but stopped his pace when you grip on his sleeve. He stare at his sleeve and turn his head at you. He was about to remove your grip but stopped by your sleep talk about him.
" Jaebum...why...why do I feel so happy to finally see you all these year yet so sad after remembering the past..." You said in such sorrow.
"Y/n...." He said your name softly.
"I though i had finally move on but meeting you again...the feeling come back by itself..." You said as a tear escaped your eye.

Jaebum notice your running tears, he sat down on your bed as he wipe away your tears away. He was feeling guilty for what he had done to you...for giving you false hope..for breaking your heart and for making you feel sorrowful for the past years. You opened your eyes and try to adjust your blurry vision then was surprised to see Jaebum is infront of you! In your house!. You quickly sat up but only to get a headache by it, Jaebum hold onto your shoulder and went to get a glass of water for you.

"Here..." He give you a glass of water.
"Gomawo...." You replied, taking a sip of and then went silent.
"So..hm...I think I should get going now..." He rub the back of his neck and was about to leave.

After he left, you hugged your knee and started to burst into tears. All the sweet and bitter memories of him come back to you. Meanwhile Jaebum sat at the bench infront of your apartment complex, covering his face with his palm as tears escaped from his eyes. He felt so guilty to make you this way and couldn't comfort his truth feeling to you... He slam the bench hard that make a loud thump. His hand bleed by the impact but it couldn't replace the pain in his heart

Little did he know you were there behide him, witnessing the incident. You quickly went to him after he slam his palm on the bench and saw blood running through it.
"Jaebum! Your hand...." You worriedly stare at his hand.
"Y/n.... Mianhae...I'm sorry I hurt you for all those years..." He apologize, covering his face with his palm while lowering his head.
"Jaebum...it's ok...it's all in the past" you hold onto his hand and cupped his cheek for him to face you.
"No...it's not ok...I shouldn't have come for the reunion and make it worsen for you" he state, with tears in his eyes.

You hugged him and caress his head for him to calm down... After he calm down you stare at him and hold onto his hand.
"Jaebum... I know the reason why you keep on pushing me and your feeling away...because you want to achieve your dream and I understand it...so now that you have achieve it...will you gave the chance for me to be in your life? ...if that is ok with you?" You confess as you look deeply in his eyes.
"I love you Park Y/n..I have always do" he confess and pull you into his embrace.

Your lip crave into a big smile as you are happy to hear that from him and replied him that You love him too.

woahh~~ another fluff fanfic of Jaebum~
I hope you liked it

woahh~~ another fluff fanfic of Jaebum~I hope you liked it

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