I have the right..- Jackson Wang (ThE EnD)

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4 years had past, you had live in Canada those year so you decide to move back to Korea. Because you miss living there and want your boys to adapt with your culture, and yes you twin are a boy.

Their name is Jack Wang and Jason Wang, despite not telling Jackson you were pregnant with his sons you still gave your twin his family name since it feel like the right thing to do

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Their name is Jack Wang and Jason Wang, despite not telling Jackson you were pregnant with his sons you still gave your twin his family name since it feel like the right thing to do. You opened a saloon in Seoul and it was getting successful after a year after you run the business and your twin have turn 5 years old so it was time for them to be in kindergarten.

One day you went to the saloon real quick before sending your boys to the kindergarten.
"Oh y/n what are you doing here?" One of your coworker ask.
"I just wanted to make sure if our stock is still enough cause I will be going buy some after sending my boys" you check the stock.
"Everything is enough but we are shortage on hair dye tho" your manager said.
"Thank you for checking Jenny..I will go buy it after I send the boys ok~" you said.
"Alright..oh eonni you better get going..or else the twin will be late for school" Jenny signal to lock at the clock.
"Ahh it already 7.30?...arra arra...I will come by this noon ok with the dye..after picking up the twin" you said and wave your co worker goodbye.
Little did you know after a few second you left your saloon, GOT7 arrive to get their make up done for an event they will attend.

Then weekend come, you were resting on the couch watching your twin play with their toys. Then suddenly Jack ask you if they can go out to watch the cherry blossom since it was the season and you three rarely went out to just have a family bonding ever since you move in Korea. You agree on taking to twin to go watch the cherry blossom. After you arrived at the park, your twin quickly get out from the car especially Jack who was excited to go see the cherry blossom.
"Jack Wang! Wait for me and Jason" you called out for your son.
"Mommy ..Jason palli!  " Jack jump in excitement.
"Hyung, wait for me~" Jason ran after his brother.
"Be careful you two...~" you warn the twin.

You watch the twin play with eachother, as you sat at a near bench watching your twin closely. Then Jack ran toward you followed by Jason behind him.
"Mommy~ I want cotton candy~ " Jack  said.
"Can we eat some mommy?" Jason ask.
"Of course you can have some ~come lets go buy " you hold onto the twin hand and went go to the cotton candy stall.

As you were buying cotton candy for the twin, Jason saw a squirrel and went ton chasing it. Jason notice and loose your grip on his hand then follow along his older brother. After you got the cotton candy you notice that the twin wasn't in your sight so you start to panic abit. You look around the area and no sight of the twin. You called out form their name and no answer. You panicked and start looking for the twin all over the park.

Meanwhile, Jack and Jason were lost, they keep on calling for you but no answer. Jason was on the urge to cry but Jack calm his little brother that you are looking for them right now. Jack and Jason walk around the park searching for you while holding hand. Then Jason saw a back which seem the same so he ran toward it but to only to see that the person isn't you. Jack apologize of Jason's action and continue to search for you. Then Jinyoung and Youngjae notice the twin without any guardian so they go after them.
"Annyeong kids~what are you doing here without any guardian?" Jinyoung ask, lowered himself to the twin height.
"Are you two lost? Where is your eomma?" Youngjae follow Jinyoung and ask.
"Mommy..." Jason hid himself at Jack's back.
"Are you nice man or bad man?" Jason ask, defending Jason who is hiding at his back.
"We are nice man..don't be afraid" Youngjae assured the twin and show a smile.
"How about you  two stay with us for a while as we help you two find your mommy?" Jinyoung ask nicely.
" but Mommy say don't follow with stranger..." Jason said softly but enough for Jinyoung and Youngjae to hear him.
"Don't worry..we aren't bad man..you can trust us~" Jinyoung said, reach out his hand toward the twin.

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