Giant and dwarf 💕 - Kim Yugyeom

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You are one of GOT7 stylist and you have been a close friend with them since the beginning, you as their stylist. From your first meet with them, Yugyeom  got attracted by your charm and especially love to tease your height. It was their comeback stage that day and you were in charge with Yugyeom outfit. You were trying to put on his choker but he could tell that you were struggling to put it on due to your height different. Since you are only 155 cm while he's 182 cm, you always struggling whenever you are in charge of his outfits.

Yugyeom found it cute to see you were trying your best tiptoeing to put on the choker on his neck. He straighten his body to make it more harder for you to put on the choker. He was amused to watch how hard you try to tiptoe to reach his height and keep on failing. You were getting irritated by his tease and send his a glare.
"Yah! Kim Yugyeom stand's hard for me to put your choker on" you sternly said.
"It's not my fault that you are short Y/n~~" he tease you while cutely shaking his head side to side.
" seriously...Yugyeom you better hurry up or we will be late for your stage" you sigh, facing up at him.
"Fine~~ " Yugyeom stretch out his leg to reach with your height.
"Gomawo~~~ Gyeom-ah" you gave a pat on his head.

A tint of blush appeared on Yugyeom's cheek, he quickly hide it and thanks goodness you didn't notice it but his hyungs did. They smirk as they know that Yugyeom have a huge crush on you and they want the two of you become a couple since it will be cute to see you two together. They plan to make the two of you spend a day together so that Yugyeom can confess his feeling to you.

Today was the day their plan will start so Jaebum called you to discuss with you about something while BamBam lied Yugyeom to spend the day at the amusement park with him. You promise Jaebum to met at the cafe near the amusement park but little did you know you will bump into Yugyeom not soon after.
" where is Jaebum oppa? Arghh... Why did I agreed to this" you look into your phone waiting for Jaebum to call you.

Meanwhile Yugyeom...
"Aish.. Seriously BamBam will get it for leaving me here alone! That little aish.."  He silently cuss, walking in the cafe you are in.

After Yugyeom got his drink, coincidentally you met his eyes at first you were surprised to meet him here feeling like it was destiny but you shook you fantasy aside as he walk forward to your table. 
"Yo shorty~ what are you doing here? I thought on your free day you will keep on lying on you bed all day?" Yugyeom ask as he take a sip of his ice choco.
"Haha funny...I have a life too ok..." You sarcastically said and roll your eyes, crossing your arms.
"Arraseoyo~~ mian... Btw what are you doing here? All alone?" He ask taking a gaze at you.
"Jaebum oppa called me to meet him here but he still nowhere to be found" you sigh.
"Jaebum hyung? Ehh I thought today he will be going to visit his parent" Yugyeom state that make you slap the table due to disbelief.
"Mwoya?! He what!! He will get it from me when I see that oppa later!" You cuss him under your breath.

Yugyeom chuckle with your expression and you quickly turn your gaze toward him making him sit straight on his chair. You sigh and gulp your drink then face back at him.
"Btw why are you here? Are you on a date or something?" You raise an eyebrow.
"Nah...BamBam cancel on me...asking me to out to hang out with him at the amusement park and yet look at me now" Yugyeom hang down his head, sighing.
"And you fall for his're so gullible Gyeom-ah~" you giggle, pushing a strain of your hair back.

Yugyeom stand up and reach out for your hand, your eyes widen by his sudden gesture. He pull you out from the cafe and lead you to the amusement park. After he bought the ticket for the both of you, he ask which ride do you want to ride and straight away you point at the roller coaster. The both of your were having a lot  of fun riding all types of ride until to the last one and that was the Ferris wheel.

It was already night time and the night sky captivate your attention. Yugyeom was staring at you, a smile form on his face. He was actually thankful that BamBam cancel his plan because if he didn't, he wouldn't have not spend the whole day with you. You notice Yugyeom's stare and face him only to see he was blushing after yours eyes met. A tint of blush appeared on your cheek as well and tried to change the atmosphere around the two of you.

"Gyeom-ah..gomawo I really had fun today" you thanked him.
" was fun spending the day with you~ even though at first it was hard since I keep on losing you in the crowd" he chuckle as he reminiscing it.
"It's not my fault that you have long was hard to catch up with you since my leg is short" you pout, crossing your arms.
"Kyeopta~ " Yugyeom softly ruffle your hair.

Yugyeom suddenly notice what he have done and pull his hand away then look away. You lowered your head and bit your lip since it was so sudden from Yugyeom..Yugyeom?! The atmosphere were quite awkward but then Yugyeom suddenly break by saying something that took you by surprise.
"Nae...Y/n..." He call your name softly.
"Nae?" You face him and it was your first time to see him that serious.
"I..well we know each other for a long time now and ..." He bit on his lips out of nervousness.
"And?" You were getting anticipated with what he is going to say.
"I like you Lee Y/n" he confess.
"Nae?" You question him again if you are hearing it correctly.
" ah.. You don't have to answer to it now...I just want to let you how I fell about's fine if you don't have the same feeling" he fake cough trying to change the topic.

You were about to say something when it was the already the end of your ride on the Ferris wheel. Yugyeom insisted to walk you to your home but it was quite awkward after he confess to you. You were in dilemma whether he is telling the truth1 or not?, your feeling toward him is it love?  And how about his career...won't it be affected by it? When you almost reach your destination, you stopped your track as well as Yugyeom. He looked at you and asked what the matter, you walk towards him and stand infront of him. You face him up and gaze into his eyes.

"Kim Yugyeom...tell me the truth.. Are you sure about your feeling toward me?" You ask him in a seriously.
"Y/n..." He said your name but before he could say anything you cut him off.
"Just answer yes or no..." You state.
"Yes" without a second thought he replied you.
" won't this relationship affect your career? " you ask.
"No" he held on your right hand.
"Do feel happy with me?" You ask him
"Yes" he cupped your left cheek, gazing in your eyes.
"Won't you regret it?" You ask with worries in your eyes.
" no" he confidentially said.
"Last question... Do you love me?" You ask seriously.
"Yes I do" he sincerely replied.

Your eyes were in tears and quickly embrace him in a hug, burying your face on his chest. He hugged you back as he rested his chin on your head, you could hear his heart beat rapidly for you. You face him up, cupping his cheek signaling him to bend down a little. Yugyeom bend down and to his surprise you kiss him on the lip. After the kiss you confess to him that you love him as he replied to you the same thing.

Wow finish with Yugyeom imagine~
Hope you liked it ~~

Wow finish with Yugyeom imagine~Hope you liked it ~~

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