Chapter 24 Mom Found The Pills

Start from the beginning

"Mother what the fuck happened to you?"

"Hey hey young young ladyyy what languagee is thhhat?" She said grabbing onto my arm, she was delirious out of her mind, this wasn't my mother.

"Oh thank god your here Melanie!" My grandma said grabbing a hold of my mother as she dragged her up the stairs. I could feel my mother shaking as I gripped her and her wrists looked boney and her nails looked yellow along with her skin too, it was no longer the nicely tanned beige color like my skin. I followed my grandma's lead and helped her drag my mother up the stairs. My mother leaned on me almost pushing me off of the stairs with her weight.

"Get getttt off of meee! Let meee goo!" She yelled struggling to escape our hold on her. We pushed her into the bathroom and locked the door shut.

"Let me out you bitchhh!" She yelled banging on the door and scathing her nails against it begging to be let out.

"I need my pills just give me my fuckinnn happy pills!" She yelled and now I could hear her sobbing from behind the door.

"See why I'm worried." My grandmother said giving me a serious look.

"What in the hell happened while I was gone? Is John ok?!" I asked running into his room to see him peacefully sleeping through all of this noise.

"Oh thank god he's ok." I said whispering as I left gently closing the door.

"It all started when you told her you were going to stay at Danny's." She said as she walked down the stairs.

"That job she told you about the one at the salon, there was no job. She was lying! She told me she had gotten the job and I was so excited for her at first, then Tuesday she comes in with wads a money pouring from anywhere she was able to put it. I asked her where in the world could she have gotten all of this money because it sure as hell wasn't from tips at the salon. She told me she was desperate for money and since you were away and the bills started to come in, she needed to feed John so she turned to selling her body off like the bitchs on the corner. Like all whores she got sucked into the drugs and alcohol. She was depressed, sad and filled with anxiety. She was one hell of an actress being able to hid that all behind that fake smile she had on her face all of the time. She then started popping pills, crack, cocaine, god knows what else she has taken in the time span of 4-5 days. I told her the instant she started showing up with all that money to pull out of what ever trouble she had gotten herself into and that this wont end well for any of us, not even for your or even John's sake! Now she comes running back all drugged up and drunk every night, bringing her drugs here, smoking, drinking, her body is weak all drugged up with shit. I started yelling at her again today for the 4th time and she flipped the house upside down in rage demanding her happy pills. She was shaking and itching for her pills. While I was on the phone with you she attacked me thinking I took away her drugs. It was a struggle just for me to grab her until you came. I'm telling you Melanie forget who your mother was she is no longer there anymore. That woman is gone..." My grandma finished almost out of breathe.

"Oh my god..." I whispered. I was just so speechless, lost for words. How could she manage to get so fucked up while I was gone?

"If you don't believe me, go to her room and see for yourself." She said motioning for me to go inside her room.

I opened the door and it reeked of smoke, I even coughed a little. There was slutty clothes tossed around the room and on the dresser there was a little plastic baggie with white maybe even blue pills in it too. A mirror and a razor blade right next to it too. A pack of smokes was on the night table and so was an empty bottle of whiskey.

I marched to the bathroom just so furious with her. I don't know what got into me but I think she just needed a good slap of fucking sense upside the head. I opened the door and she was almost passed out by the toilet leaning her head on it. My grandma could see how furious, upset, angry I was with her.

I grabbed my mother by the collar, "Mother! I don't know what the fuck is wrong with you and why the hell your acting like this but this isn't ok! Ugh whats the point talking to you if you aren't even gonna remember this. I'll talk to you when you sober up and get your shit together!" I yelled in her face and thats when I slapped her right across the face.

"I-I-I'm sorry..." She said almost crying.

"You pulling some bullshit like this, your no better than dad and to think I was safe with you. All a fucking lie!" I said letting go of her collar letting her collapse back to the ground next to the toilet.

I closed the door on her again locking her in there. I ran down the stairs back to grandma.

"Im not living here if she is gonna act this way. I'm not going to put up with this shit, I already had to deal with one angry drunk and I certainly don't have to deal with an angry druggie bitch too. I'm not coming back until you or maybe even she fixes herself and snaps back to reality. I will still go to work and if I do come back here its for John and your sake, nothing more." I said standing my ground.

"Melanie but..." My grandmother said.

"I know grandma it breaks my heart to leave you too here alone with that thing up there but Ive put up with too much of that crap that I'm literally sick of it!" I said with a tear escaping from my eyes.

"Just please tell me where you are going so I know. I want to know that you are ok and safe and please if I need your help with her or just anything please come." She said practically begging.

"Like I said if I ever step foot here while she is like this it's because of you and John not her." I said running to my room grabbing clothes and my things by the handful.

"Melanie where are you even going?" She said actually helping me put my things into my suit cases.

"Im going to umm..."

"Just spit it out child, you don't have to hide anything from me."

"In gonna live with Jimmy. My umm..." I said stuttering because I was afraid at how she was going to react and if she saw him she would probably freak out even more.

"And who is this Jimmy you speak of?" She asked as she helped grab the clothes from my drawers and stuff my suit case full.

"He's my...boyfriend." I said scared of what she would say.

" you were never really at Danny's were you?"

"No...not really."

"Melanie you should know better than to lie, what if something happened to you at this boy's house."

"But nothing did. So it's fine."

"Melanie please no more secrets, right now your the only one I can trust. Promise?"

"Promise." I said grabbing my bags, I had cleared out most of my room except for some of the decorations.

Before I left I grabbed the ripped picture the one with my dad taken out of it off of the dresser. I ripped the other end with my mother on it. I stared at it as a tear escaped from my eye. All that was left was me, just me...

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