Chapter 45

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AN/ My bad for posting late, but this is a start of me just kinda having fun, I'm not quite sure where this is going, but we will see X3


         We all get home from practicing our new song Wonderland, laughing as I see Woo playing with Yeosang. I smile and we sit down, watching our practice video for the day. I watch taking in everything and see the others doing the same.

         Some things get pointed out for what to fix tomorrow, and HongJoong pipes in saying we will be getting pictures done in a couple days. We all jump around happy to be doing the photo shoot again, and not after having a guy follow or chase us down.


         After a few days we are at the photo shoot and we are all in awe of how my aunt made these outfits. We have fun and get told we are shooting the music video in a few days.

         Once we are done with the photo shoot we go and practice a little in the outfits so we know what movement we will have. Thankfully nobody ripped anything, and everything seems to be good for our powerful dancing. We all get changed back and head home so we can rest up.


         As we are done shooting the music video we all look at each other and are in shock. All of us realizing that we are going to be doing more Kcons, and more reality shows. We are all excited for the music video to come out, but it will be a while.

         We all get home and sit down on the large couch, exhausted, and call for dinner. When I look over to Woo he is talking to Yeosang and SeongHwa, which makes me a bit jealous that he isn't talking to me too. I sigh and lay down on the couch, thinking about how Atiny will interpret Wonderland.

         My train of thought is derailed when I feel a weight lay on me. Woo is tired and wants nothing more than to lay on me, which makes me blush and laugh. We head to bed and I see everyone do the same.



         Back at the company we are done with practice and I go to find Sannie. I look around the usual places and don't find him, so I go look in the gym. I find him working out shirtless and damn his muscles are even more defined. I am so entranced by his abs that I don't realize he is walking closer.

         "Hey Little one," he says in his raspy voice, which makes me look into his eyes.

         "I-I was looking for you," I sputter, and he just smiles at me.

         "Well, you found me, and I guess my abs have more power than I thought," he says, giving me a smirk. I feel as my face heats up and he chuckles. "It's okay babe, hey, why don't we go out? We can get dinner and ice cream."

         "You know I'm on a diet San," I pout and he pulls me into him, giving me a kiss on my head. I feel as though everything stops when I feel his abs.

         "I think you deserve a cheat day, plus you might need the energy," he says in a low voice, making me blush harder and I nod.

         "So, does that make this a date?" I ask him and his smile turns into his big goofy grin I love.

         "I do believe this would be considered a date, my little Woo." he coos and kisses my nose. I smile and he puts his shirt back on. He is wearing his usual practice and workout clothes, black pants, black shirt, and putting on his boots.


         When we arrive at the restaurant they give us a small room and we sit down, ordering for the two of us. The room is nice and cozy, when the food arrives we chat a little, but mostly eat happily.

         While eating I feel San's arm rest on my shoulder, and he is staring at me. I smile and we sit like that for a while. When we finish eating we sit up and pay for the meal, then head out to get some ice cream.

         "You want your favorite, as usual, right?" Sannie asks me and I nod. He gets the ice cream and we start walking back home, linking to each other so we don't lose one to a crowd.

         We laugh as we walk and finish our ice cream. We go inside and see everyone is laying around and they look annoyed. We walk in silently, but I can hear as Mingi alerts everyone to us coming home.

         "And where have you been?" HongJoong asks us in his fatherly voice. San sighs and takes our ice cream cups to throw them out.

         "We were on a date, sorry I forgot to text you," he says as he washes his hands.

         "Well, don't scare me like that, last time you guys disappeared..." he stops.

         "I know hyung, we will try to remember next time. Sorry," San says, and bows slightly. HongJoong and SeongHwa have been more paranoid since we came back from purgatory, and we couldn't blame him.

         Both of us came back different, San is easier to calm, and also easier to get annoyed. I am easier to turn to magic, and easier to calm as well. I have also become clingier since then.



         Our days go smoothly as we wait for the teasers and music video to release. We are all sat down as we watch the countdown with Atiny live. We aren't doing a Vlive, but we are in the chat as we watch the premiere of our video.

         We all sit down and watch the countdown having some chips ready and some coke. Woo sits between my legs and I hug him as we watch the TV. All of us are blown away by the video, making all sorts of noise and just overall hype. I am so excited that I almost drop Woo. I laugh and he hits my arm lightly.

         "Oh my god, everyone is loving it in the live chat." HongJoong says as he watches the chat. I am excited for our live comeback and we only have to wait a couple days. All of us enjoy the video and when we have watched the video we go to reaction channels and watch them react to us. We laugh and have fun until we realize we should get dinner and go to bed. 

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