Chapter 16

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AN/ ok this one is interesting, I hope you guys have enjoyed the ride so far XD this is me kinda just going with the flow, if I think of something it happens, so I hope it doesn't seem too jumbled


         San's aunt has amazing style. We all love our outfits, and she uses her magic to fit them perfectly to us. When we get our outfits on they let us see ourselves in the mirror, then we change again. Each outfit is more interesting than the last. Then it comes to the black bags we all have.

         "Alrighty, here you go," San's aunt says handing the bags over. I smile and watch as San gets one handed to him. "Here, so you don't have to use your true form every time you go on stage." she laughs.

         He nods, we all change and when we are done we look like a crew of demons. I am shocked at how well she captured us in the outfits. I look at San and realize she has tweaked the look, giving him an even darker look, I look away to see his aunt smiling at me. She gives me a thumbs up and I notice San staring hungrily at me.

         "No! Calm down San." I yell through the bond. I see him smirk as he places the hat on his head. I look away from him and go over to Yeosang. He is watching everyone else and laughing at how we look, we look kinda crazy honestly.

         When I get to him the stylists come in with jewelry, and add on all the finishing touches. I look at myself in the mirror and am shocked, even without makeup I can see that this look is going to kill. I look over to SeongHwa who is staring at HongJoong, with wide eyed excitement.



         We all look incredible, and I am just happy that we now have the looks to go with the concepts. I watch as our stylists come over with chains in hand. San's aunt is directing each of them on where to put the chains. Mine are mostly necklaces, but one of them is connected by a fake lip ring, so I put it on, looking to Hwa as I do.

         He is watching me with a look of disbelief as I put it in place, smirking at him mischievously. I watch his mouth open and close, refusing to make any sounds. I laugh and look at the mirrors next to us. I look like the leader of demons, but I could see San in the corner, talking to his aunt. I can see a different aura about him, when I pull myself away I see Hwa talking to Wooyoung and Yeosang.

         "Hey guys, what's up?" I ask them as I walk up. They look at me with shocked eyes. "What?"

         "Damn hyung," Woo says adding a whistle. I laugh as I see Hwa smack him lightly. San starts walking over, and I assume he just wants to cling to someone again. I smile as he pulls Woo into a back hug, causing him to squeak.

         "Alrighty, we are going to dye everyone's hair tomorrow and after we do that, we are going to test makeup. Is everyone okay with that?" San's aunt asks us. We all nod, looking around at each other.

         "Good to know, and I think they deserve the day off. Though only for a partial day." Our dance instructor tells everyone. We rejoice and look at each other with smiles and are just excited in general. We cover the mirrors again and change back to our normal clothes, so we can head home.

         "San, can you just take us home when we are ready?" I hear Wooyoung ask. San looks at everyone to see what everyone thought of the idea.

         "Uhm, I've never teleported this many before," he says looking at all of us. "Maybe I can do it in 2 trips though."

         Thinking about it I realize that there are still a lot of us, and wonder if it's really okay for him to be doing this. Before I can speak up his aunt walks over, putting a hand on his shoulder, and whispers something to him.

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