Chapter 24

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AN/ fighting and lots of jump cuts


         I come back to my room, and see my father, and my aunt talking. They see me and I sigh when they come closer, they motion for me to take off the rosary. As I take it off I can feel myself change, I feel more raw, like everything is worse. Light is stronger, sounds are louder. I put it in my pocket and look back at them.

         "Son, I am sorry for this happening, I didn't realize you were so close to your coming of age," my father says, throwing me off guard.

         "What?" I ask, completely baffled and looking at my aunt.

         "We have been talking and we realized that this Darker half you talk about is actually your full demon powers. You are in your hundreds, because of Amaymon, and being stuck in hell for so long. Coming of age is roughly 130-150 so you were due and we didn't even think about it." my aunt says looking sympathetic at me. I take a deep breath and look at them.

         "And what does that mean?" I ask, feeling my rage bubbling inside.

         "Your torturing Orobas actually started the collapse, and there is only one way of fixing this." my father says, not wanting to look at me.

         "You have to fight it, literally, and you have to win. If he wins, there will be no San, only your demon self. If you win, you get your full self, and your memories merge together. You become one entity, and not San and demon." Lilith finishes. I can't believe what I'm hearing.

         "So no matter what I need to fight him." I say, feeling myself deflate, how can I do this before saturday? I think as I put my head in my hands groaning.

         "I can take you and him to purgatory, you can fight there with no worries of time, but there will be others there who will try to fight as well." my father says looking at me. I stand and look at him.

         "Let's get this over with then." I say setting my resolve. I can't let this lunatic get close to my family. I think and my father sighs.

         "Fine, but I will give you a piece of advice. You have not only my blood, but your mother's, never forget that." he whispers to me as he pulls me into a hug.

         When he pulls away I watch as he tears open a portal, sending me, and my shadow through.


         I look around as I wake up, this place has no color, only forest, and sounds of yelling. The fighting in the distance is only heightened as I see a man run at me. I dodge just in time for the man to go flying past me. I look at him, and he seems to be crazed, no longer looking human, or whatever he was.

         I cast a spell, calling on an ice dagger, and run off towards where I feel a pull. On my way there I run into a group of people, and they rush me. I use my dagger in defense, trying to watch their patterns. I see that the older man leaves his right side open, so when he attacks again I catch his arm, striking between his ribs with the ice, three times. I pull his arm and smash it down on my knee. I hear a sickening crack, and dodge just in time for the woman to hit the man I was holding, in the face. I take advantage of the situation and come up behind her, grabbing her head, and snapping her neck. I see the other guy charge me again, but I dodge out of the way easily.

         "You killed them!!!" he yells in anger. I watch as he slashes at my stomach, dodging the hit I jump off a tree. I use my full weight and come down on his head with my dagger. With a sickening squelching sound I know he is dead. I release my magic and notice that the first one I killed is starting to move.

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