Chapter 18

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AN/ sulky bois and some cute things, plus some light making out


In my room I see Rose and Lily, still in their hound forms, run up to me, catching me as I collapse. I can feel Woo's hand still on my back as I get put on the bed.

"What's going on?" I hear SeongHwa ask, but I pull Woo down into the bed with me. I hear him yelp, and Mingi laugh in response. I pull Woo into my arms, so that I can sleep.


When I wake up I look over to see that Lily had turned the time change off on the rest of the room so I can know how long we had been there, earth time. I wake up, feeling refreshed and calm, the time change now turning back on for the whole room. I squeeze Woo and get a giggle from him.

"I take it you are feeling better," he says with a smile. I nuzzle into his neck, giving him a kiss, with a small smirk. "Okay, that's a yes." he says, getting out of the bed. I laugh and sit up. SeongHwa and Mingi come back into the room, and sigh seeing me.

"That was a quick nap there guys, you sure you don't need more sleep?" SeongHwa asks looking at me. I laugh and smile at him.

"Sorry, I heard what Woo was thinking about last night, and I didn't have a good time with my father. When I thought I fucked it up with Woo, I broke. I... Thank you for helping me." I say to them all. "And about the time thing, it's been how long?" I ask them.

"Like an hour?" Mingi says, looking at his watch. I laugh and turn to Rose.

"You've been sleeping for 12 or so hours San." she says to me. I look at Woo, who looks like he took a nap with me. I smile and hug him.

"So I got a solid 12 hours in, that's good," I laugh and I see the others stare at me. I run to get a shower and get changed, when I come back I get all of us to KQ



I laugh at them when San says he got 12 hours, he isn't lying, but I can see why they would think that. It's only been about an hour for them. When San gets back we group up for him.

"Jesus christ!" I hear HongJoong say as we teleport in. We appear right in front of them, which made him yell, again. I laugh and San joins in as we head over to the hair stylists.

"Oh my god, what happened?" I hear Yeosang ask in a whisper to me, I look over, seeing San sitting in the chair to get his hair colored. I walk over with Yeosangie and he stares at me.

"He was upset, and he hadn't really slept." I explain while we wait for a chair to get our hair done.

"Nothing else is going on? That was a lot of help for just a tired, cranky San." he tells me. I look at him, and he is staring at me.

"I... Uhm, San and I are," I take a pause and his eyes grow huge as he stares at me. "We had a small issue, but we fixed it, I think."

"No! You two horny fucks can't, just no!" he almost yells, I cover his mouth and San looks over at us. He catches Yeo's eyes and smirks, giving me a wink and then looks at the mirror in front of him again.

"What's happening?" Jongho asks coming up to us, I pull my hand away and glare at Yeosangie.

"Nothing, other than the two horny fucks are together apparently." he tells Jongho. I glare at him and can feel Jongho's shock radiating off of him. I groan and look over to see San just laughing, I stick my tongue out at him.

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