Chapter 15

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AN/ slight smut ahead and since I just made the art for the cover of this story I am putting this up in celebration!!! I hope you like it X3


         Before we reach the studio, I give Woo a slight smack on the ass, grabbing lightly, releasing only when we are becoming visible to the group. We go over to stretch when we notice the others have already started practicing. I help Woo stretch and he helps me.

         "Come on you guys! We need to keep practicing, we don't know when we can do the MV's yet, but Say My Name and Hala Hala need to be perfect before friday," Yunho says to us. We've been practicing for almost a week and a half now, and it's tuesday.

         I sigh as I take position. We practice for about 3 hours before we take a break, I use a towel to dry my face. Sitting on the floor I see Woo talking to our teacher. He seems optimistic that we are already really good, and is wondering how we will do in a music video.

         I stand up and look at the room, Woo is closest to me, so I head over to him. Our teacher walks away, so I give him a back hug, putting my chin on his shoulder. He seems surprised, but also happy. I do this with everyone, so I am happy that the closest member was Woo. Before I can say anything the door opens with my aunt coming in.

          She looks like a hot mess, hair everywhere, her makeup is nowhere to be seen, and her shirt wrinkled. My aunt also has a bunch of people coming in with racks of clothing. There are so many looks, furs, reds, yellows, and black bags. Each rack has a name on it.

         "Okay, you guys, I need you all to get quick showers so we can fit these to you." the head stylist tells us. There are 3 showers here, and 2 at home, I look over to see HongJoong and SeongHwa trying to do the math, seeming lost.

         "If I may make a suggestion," I pipe up. "I can take whoever you choose to the house and back, but we need to choose who goes where." They seem to be confused, but go with it. They choose Yeosang, Jongho, Yunho, and HongJoong to stay for the showers in the locker room downstairs. The rest of us were going to go to the house.

         "Okay, this is how we are splitting up, got it?" SeongHwa says. Everyone starts at the doors, but I stop Mingi and SeongHwa. They give me a weird look.

         "Come on, San. We need to get to the cars." Mingi protests. Woo back hugs me, already knowing what to do. I hold them by the wrists and pull them closer.

         "Shut up, on the count of three hold your breath." I say, looking at them seriously. I look at my aunt who seems happy. I count to three, see them hold their breath and I teleport us. The scent was a nice Lilac this time with hints of rain.


         "Whoa, what the fuck was that?" Mingi asks, and SeongHwa throws a disgusted look at him.

         "There, now you two take a shower. Rose?" I call as they head to the showers.

         "Yes, San?" she asks.

         "Let me know when they are done, and we will come back to grab them." I say, causing SeongHwa to stop and turn to me.

         "What do you mean?"

         "I have another shower we can use, it is actually 2 showers, but it will make us done faster." I say then look to Woo who is now standing next to me, no longer in a hug. I wave at SeongHwa and grab Woo in a tight back hug, he holds his breath and we are gone.

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