Chapter 28

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AN/ Thank you guys for reading my story X3 it means a lot


         How has San gone this long without knowing about the trials? I figured all witches knew about the trials thrown at to be partners of witches. I think as we go to sit in the living room. San looks panicked and very confused about what is going on, which is understandable.

         "Okay, so what are these trials?" he asks us. My parents look at me confused.

         "Have you not talked about this before?" my mom asks me.

         "No, I thought he would know about this, but I guess he didn't get told about this." I explain.

         "Oh, are you a witch?" my dad asks San.

         "I'm part witch, but wasn't really around that part of my family long enough to learn about things like this." he says, nervously scratching the back of his neck. "So, how do these trials work?"

         "Well, when we get introduced, Wooyoung here, will start a stint of what is basically terrible luck. The partner he introduces us to will need to protect him for the next 24 hours, and if we deem the person unfit to be with him it will end early." my mom explains. San's eyes seem to widen as he hears this.

         "So, when would this bad luck start? Do you need to know who it is? Or is just being introduced enough to start the trials?" San asks, looking genuinely intrigued.

         "Usually it starts as soon as they are introduced, but we have never seen him have bad luck around Yeosang. Were you two not together before now?" my mom asks, looking at me. I shake my head and laugh, seeing how San looks at the idea of Yeosangie and me being together.

         "Oh, sorry. This is San, he is one of my group members." I say, introducing San officially. They smile and he bows slightly to them.

         I stand up, heading towards the kitchen, but trip on the rug. San catches me and stands me up right, laughing at my clumsiness. I laugh and head to get a drink from the fridge.



         After seeing him trip I catch Woo by his wrist, earning a squeak of surprise. I help him stand and we laugh. He heads to the kitchen and I sit back down.

         "Brother is clumsy," Iseul says with a laugh. I watch the puppy come and sit next to me, leaning on my leg. I give the small dog some pets, and look up at Woo's parents.

         "So, we are going to have lunch soon. Any preferences?" Mama Jung asks us. I shrug, cool with just about anything she will make.

         "Make whatever you want, San isn't picky." Woo calls from the kitchen.

         "Nice to see you have a friend that isn't just wanting chicken." his dad says with a hearty laugh. I smile and I watch Woo's mom start staring, until Woo gets back with us.

         "Hey Woo, why don't you come help me cook? Or would you rather some tea first?" she asks, standing up.

         "Ooohh tea sounds awesome mom!" Woo says happily, giving some seal claps, which his little brother joins in on. I laugh watching them get along so well. I can see his dad staring at me, which kinda unnerves me, but I roll up my sleeves, and pick up the small pup.

         "How many here can talk to you Ji?" I ask the small pupper. She licks my nose which makes Iseul and Woo laugh.

         "Just you and Iseul, nobody even understands me," she whines. I giggle and just hold her, and she curls happily into my arms.

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