Chapter 43

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AN/ Fighting in this one, and sorry for not posting that much recently. My brain has been pretty foggy, and getting it to calm down so I can sit and write has been difficult lately


         After coming to this place we started running towards the burning pull we both felt. While running I have seen San kill the same people over and over, just to protect me, but slowly I have learned how to use my magic to help him.

         We run into another group of bad guys and I throw a fire blast at them, San guards me and flings a wing at them, cutting one in half. The other on fire and running away.

         "You'd think they would try something different." I say as we start running towards the pull again. He laughs at the thought but we can feel the pull change again, it was more of an eerie feeling, like it was laughing at us. We stop, looking at each other and we run faster.


         He was right about how long we were running, it feels like a week at least before we get to a strange clearing. He stands in front of me as we enter, and I can feel something heating up in my pocket.

         "Ahhh, so you finally found me. I don't know what your father sees in you, but you will never amount to anything, you half breed child." I hear a voice say, pointed at Sannie. I look around trying to see where the voice is coming from, but have no luck.

         "Amaymon, come out and fight me." San says in a demanding tone. I watch as a man takes form in the large clearing and he is grinning. San heads to the middle asking me not to follow, and no matter how much I want to, the fear keeps me in place. I watch San walk up to him and he gets into stance with him.

         I can only see blurs at first, but soon I see San fling a wing at his uncle, cutting his face.



         I enter the clearing and he grins at me, throwing a spell just past my shoulder. I lung at him and I connect with his face. He looks at me with annoyance, and flings me off with a punch to the gut. I let out a grunt and fling a wing at him, hoping to graze him with the razors.

         As they draw blood I can hear him hiss, and come after me. I make a wall of ice in front of me and use it to kick off and kick him hard. He reels back and throws a knock back spell at me, throwing me across the clearing, into a tree.

         I cough as I fall to the ground, seeing blood. I wipe it away and look to see that he is laughing at me. I stand shakily and run at him, trying to connect a kick. He grabs me and throws me down easily, I groan again as I feel him breaking bones.

         "You really thought you could win with that pathetic excuse for a body?" he laughs at me. He picks me up by my neck, squeezing as he does, and throws me towards Woo, and I slide to a halt at his feet.

         "I'm sorry Woo, I thought I could protect you." I say hoarse and I see his hand is glowing with magic. I grab his hand and kiss it lightly, but I see him pull something out of his pocket, the rosary. He puts it over my heart and kisses me as I hear my uncle laughing. I put magic into the kiss and so does he, hoping it will do something. When we pull away I feel nothing different, but I am healing a bit faster.

         "I can help you," Woo whispers to me and I nod. He helps me stand up and I change, my true form coming out. I haven't used it since Hala Hala, but it seems to be more powerful. I use my wings to jump forward, striking him again.

Accepting: Hidden SelfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora