Chapter 35

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AN/ oof...


         I've been hiding in my room, it's only been about a day on earth, but here it's been almost a week. I feel like I've failed Woo, I let him see the dark half, I let him get too close. I sit on my bed, staring at the wall for a few days, not moving, not doing anything.

         Eventually I curl in on myself, refusing to talk to my familiars ,refusing to reason with anyone. I stay there until I feel it, I feel as my connection to Woo is severed, causing my heart to break.

 I stay there until I feel it, I feel as my connection to Woo is severed, causing my heart to break

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         I feel my pain, my loneliness, my self hate lift away. I realize that I need food to survive, and go straight home for food.

         I am in the middle of the living room, and I can hear everyone around me. I head to the fridge and find any and every leftover item I can find. I heat it up and set it on the table, but before I can sit I have SeongHwa hyung in my face staring into my eyes.

         "I've heard of this, but I've never actually seen it happen to anyone I've known before." he says, taking a step back from me. I just sit down so I can eat, and realize if I am to protect Woo I need to pretend that I'm fine. I change my demeanor and continue eating, and I see SeongHwa hyung stiffen up as he watches me.

         "Are you okay hyung?" I ask in my old chipper voice. I can see him give a strange disgusted look, then step closer. He gives me a good once over and gives a deep sigh.

         "Of course you would notice," I say monotone and emotionless. He pulls back and looks at me, giving a sad and sorry look. I turn my attention back to my food and eat, while he goes to the others, not saying anything, just staring at me.

         Eventually I finish eating and go to clean up my dishes, I hear Jongho come over and he just stands there. I fling soapy water at him and he lunges at me, we laugh and wrestle around for a minute then stop so I can finish cleaning.

         "Glad to see you doing better hyung," Jongho says, giving a big smile. I smile back and dry the dishes. When I go to sit down on the couch I sit away from Woo, but keep him in sight. I sit in my usual manner, hoping to keep this farce up for as long as I can to spare his feelings. Protecting him isn't just bodily, but mentally as well.

         "San, can we talk?" I hear HongJoong hyung ask me, and I see SeongHwa hyung right behind him. I nod, but stop mid motion.

         "Black Rose, sit here and watch him," I say to only her and she complies immediately. Her dark shadowy self sitting and watching Woo.

         "Of course, my Lord." she says formally.

         "Come on San," SeongHwa hyung says, pulling me to my feet. I shrug and follow them to their room. Once in their room they sit on their bed and look at me, my demeanor still happy and smiling.

         "Drop the act San," SeongHwa demands, so I let it go, watching as HongJoong hyung goes from disbelief to a look of horror. I sigh and look at our leader.

 I sigh and look at our leader

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But with his blonde hair

         "Are you sure that you should hide this?" HongJoong hyung asks me. I shrug and he looks to his lover.

         "We need to tell Wooyoung," SeongHwa hyung says, and HongJoong stands up and heads towards the door. I put an arm out to block him, I glare at him, which seems to catch him off guard.

         "I can't let you tell him," I say, deepening my voice.

         "And why is that?" SeongHwa asks me.

         "I promised to protect him, with all of my power," I say, my voice faltering, which confuses me.

         "My Lord, he is coming towards the door," I hear, and turn my happy act back on. My hyungs both look terrified at how easy it was for me, and then there is a knock on the door.

         "Hyungs? The others and I want to go out for a bit, is that okay?" he calls through the door.

         "Of course Wooyoung, you guys go have fun," HongJoong hyung says, and I hear him walk off. I tell Black Rose to follow him and alert me if there is any danger.

         "Well, at least there is hope for you, but I don't want you around him," SeongHwa says with a disgusted look on his face.

         "I can't let him get hurt. How can I do that and not be around him? Black Rose can only help so much," I think out loud.

         "Not by what he told us, that dream of yours made it pretty obvious." SeongHwa growls.

         "I didn't know it was him in the blindfold, I thought it was me. I've never been tortured by myself before, and I thought while I was being tortured that it was me in the blindfold. I tried not to make a sound, but when I did, I realized, it was Woo. I don't want that to happen to him, all I want is for him to be safe." I say, looking at my hyungs.

         "Wait, you're saying you weren't the one doing the torturing?" they ask me, almost in unison.

         "No, why would I do that to my soulmate? The amount of pain I endured, it would kill a human, and hospitalize a witch. I've only ever been protective of him." I say, then realize what happened. Amaymon had done something.

         "Shadow Lily, Contact my father, and tell him that Amaymon is near." I tell her, and I turn to leave the room.

         "Are you going to join the others?" HongJoong hyung asks, I nod and leave, but they follow me out to the others. Before I get to them I put on my old face.


         We shoot our voting video for Wave vs. Illusion a couple days later and we have our verdict, Wave won. Everyone was excited and happy so we went out to eat. I am always watching everything, trying to catch anything that Woo could hurt himself on, or those who wish harm on him.

         Half the boys refuse to speak to me now and I don't mind, it just means that I can keep to myself easier.

         I keep this up for a few weeks, and nobody seems to notice a change in me, thankfully. I keep on pushing through, feeling like I can't even touch my magic, which makes some things harder.


         "So, where are we going?" Jongho asks the group as we walk to go get food. I am playing around in the back, trying to keep my eyes open for threats.

         "Same chicken store we usually go to." Yeosang hyung proclaimed and marched in that direction, earning laughs from everyone.

AN/ sorry XP

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