Chapter 13

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AN/ sorry this one is so short in comparison to the last one XD     Also, I just realized I've been spelling Jongho's name wrong.... I am changing going forward, I am sorry as an Atiny XD


         I sit down in the living room with Yunho and the whole gang, seeing San and Woo go to lay down. I don't think much of it as I talk with the guys.

         "Hey, did San seem different after showing us that outfit?" Yunho asks us. I nod and look at the others who seem to feel the same.

         "I had to send him after Woo, he did something that made him leave practice early." Yeosang explains. Everyone seems a bit concerned about this.

         "Did you see why he left? Like what led up to it?" I ask him. He shakes his head.

         "No, all I saw was that San had his arm around him, like he usually does." he tells us. We all know how clingy he is, so it isn't that odd.

         "He was blushing a bit when he left, maybe he was embarrassed?" SeongHwa says looking over at San's door. I thought for a moment.

         "I mean, San was going a lot harder at practice than usual. Like where did he get that from? When did he get so good? And powerful at dancing?" I ask as I watch SeongHwa and the wolves all look around sniffing.

         "What's up with you guys?" Yeosang and I ask.

         "Do we have something vanilla around here?" Jongho asks the group.

         "Not that I'm aware of..." HongJoong says starting to sit up off of SeongHwa's lap. We are all confused, but we just let it go for now.

         "So, what do we think of San's aunt? I mean, she's choosing our looks." Jongho asks, with some concern in his voice.

         "I think as long as the looks are cool, I don't care who's making them." Yeosang says putting his hand on Jongho's thigh. I laugh and point it out to Yunho who playfully hits my shoulder.

         "Let them be," he whispers to me.

         "Honestly, the look San had when he changed? Was super cool. Like damn, if we can pull off those looks, we will be a show stopper." SeongHwa says leaning forward on the couch.

         "I mean, I can't lie about this. You gotta admit, San was HOT in that outfit." Yeosang says leaning back, earning a small glare from Jungho. "What? You know I'm right,"

         "I mean, you're not wrong." I laughed. Is that why Wooyoung left? Did the baby get flustered? I think to myself.

         "Okay, if we are talking about this, then did you notice how he was in the outfit? I know Yunho asked, but did he seem, different?" HongJoong asks all of us.

         "Yeah, he was dancing much better than usual, and was almost like a different person. He was so confident in his dance." Yunho puts in.

         "What was that outfit to him? Even his hair changed," SeongHwa mutters. We are all silent for a while then decide to turn on the TV, watching whatever was on. Until everyone starts smelling the air again, looking around confused.

         I see San walk out of his room, looking slightly dazed, like he had just woken up. He gives a small wave before heading to the kitchen.



         After telling Woo to lay down I go over to the door, slouching. I mess up my hair a bit, and put on a tired face, which wasn't hard to do since I am tired. I open the door to see everyone watching TV. I give a small wave on my way to the kitchen. As I open the freezer I can feel Yunho behind me, I grab the ice cream bars and turn around.

         "What are you doing?" Yunho asks.

         "Getting a snack, why?" I ask, shrinking down a bit, I am not used to our big puppy being in my face.

         "Why have we been smelling vanilla, and why do you smell of vanilla?" he asks me, getting up in my face.

         "I'm sorry, I sprayed some vanilla perfume a couple times... Woo said it was pretty smelling and wanted me to try it." I say in a small voice. I am scared by him, and it shows. He backs away, his eyes seem like he is saying sorry.

         I leave the kitchen and go back to our room, sitting on the bed with Woo, he sees ice cream and sits up happily. He hugs me, allowing me to calm, and I give him his ice cream.

         "Do you have vanilla perfume?" I ask him. He pulls away to look at me with a confused look.

         "Yeah, why?"

         "Yunho got in my face about the vanilla smell..." I say with a sigh.

         "Why would he do that? He knows you hate confrontation." Woo says, wrapping his arms around me. I take a bite of my ice cream and smile at him.

         "Not sure, but I'm happy as long as my little one is with me." I whisper in his ear. He giggles and we sit happily eating our ice cream. When we are done I throw out the wrappers and sticks in a can next to the door.



         "Hey, what is he doing?" I hear Jongho ask. I shrug, but Min leans over to me.

         "Hey Babe, go to him and ask what he's doing... and try to be a bit intimidating, otherwise he won't tell." he tells me.

         "No, I can't do that. He is awful with confrontation, you know that. I don't want him to think I hate him. You know how he gets when he's sulky." I protest. Last time he got sulky he refused to talk to anyone, even Wooyoung. He spiraled a bit, and it took us all hugging him to get him to believe us.

         "He has more confidence now, if him in that outfit is to be believed anyway." Mingi says, he wants me to test that theory. "Come on, what's the worst thing that could happen?"

         "He cries and tells me he hates me," I tell him, annoyed.

         "Oh, just try, for me?" he asks, giving me his puppy eyes. Ugh why does that always work, dammit? I think, giving a deep sigh I get up and go over to San.

         "What are you doing?" I ask him as I walk up behind him. I can see him grabbing ice cream but let him talk.

         "Getting a snack, why?" he asks in a soft tone, he looked scared. Dammit Mingi, I told you. That's when I smell him, he has the vanilla scent on him.

         "Why have we been smelling vanilla, and why do you smell of vanilla?" I ask, getting a bit more in his face than I intended. He seems to shrink as I ask him.

         "I'm sorry, I sprayed some vanilla perfume a couple times... Woo said it was pretty smelling and wanted me to try it." he says, his voice small and a pitch higher than usual. His explanation seems truthful, I know Woo has vanilla on him all the time, and I feel bad for pushing him so I pull back, trying to apologize with my eyes. He walks back to his room, seeming a bit smaller than before.

         I go back and sit on the couch avoiding Mingi. He made me do something mean, and I didn't like it. If I had ears they'd be laid back right now.

         "What was that about?" HongJoong asks, looking between myself and Mingi.

         "He made me do it. He wanted to see if San's confidence was a bluff." I say, deciding to sleep on the couch that night to avoid San and Mingi. Plus, the couch is comfy.

         Though a while after sleeping on the couch I hear Mingi come out to me. He kisses my cheek and apologizes, wanting cuddles. 

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