Chapter 49

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Sunday 24th February
Dear my very sweet angel


The date of the second task...I was nervous but still slightly confident. I felt like I was less nervous than I was for the first task but still felt the need to be reassured a little. I needed Cedric.

"Hey, Lillia, good luck!" A group of Hufflepuff girls smiled as I walked by them. I thanked them and continued on my way to find Cedric.

I looked in the Great Hall and when he wasn't there, I asked his friend William if he had seen him. "No, he never came back to the dorms last night, we thought he was with you?"

"Oh...where did he go?"

"I think Professor Sprout was looking for him."

"Alright, thank you." I quickly shot them a smile and just walked over to my normal spot at the Hufflepuff table, next to Addison and Primrose. "Hey."

"Are you nervous?" Addison asked.

"Yeah, but I'm more worried about Cedric, apparently he never came back to his dorms." I bit my nail nervously. "I'm worried for him."

"You're worried for him? Bloody hell, Lills, you're literally about to complete a task that could kill you!" Prim scoffed and then smiled sheepishly when Addison kicked her under the table for being insensitive.

"Yeah, I know."

I zoned out from the groups' chatting and thought of the riddle.

What would I sourly miss?

In all honesty, I was slightly mad at Cedric. He wasn't even going to show up for this task? The task that he knew that I worked so damn hard on? The task that I learnt to conquer my damn fear of the black lake for?

I knew that he probably had his reasons, but there was a nagging voice in the back of my head that I couldn't shake. 'What if he just didn't want to show up?'

I played with the scrambled eggs on my plate, not quite having an appetite.

Eventually, the time came, 9:30 am. Quickly, I grabbed my stuff and hurriedly ran towards the black lake. Thankfully, I wasn't the last one there, Harry was yet to arrive.

I looked among the large crowd and frowned when I couldn't see Cedric.

Something I noticed was that there was a lanky ginger man sat where Barty Crouch should've been. He looked extremely uptight with his glasses perched on the bridge of his slim nose. Perhaps a Weasley?

Harry finally showed up, earning a scolding from the ginger man. I took off my robes, revealing a blue swimming costume with the Ravenclaw crest on it.

I was positioned next to Harry and Krum as the whistle blew. I dived in as the champions from the other schools dashed off whilst Harry was spluttering and squirming in the water. I wasted no time casting the Bubble-head charm and swam towards Harry, confirming whether or not he was alright.

He gave a shaky thumbs-up as he started to grow...gills.

I swam off soon after, able to defend myself from the Grindilows which Fleur was stuck with. I felt guilty leaving her struggling but Dumbledore wouldn't let her die - I was sure of it.

I swam for what felt like an eternity, my legs and arms started to get tired but I wasn't going to give up when I had swam so far. What precious thing could they possibly have?

The bubble-head charm thankfully didn't wear off anytime soon as I passed Viktor - who had to quickly transform himself back to a half shark-half human hybrid once again - I heard the familiar eerie tune that was in the golden egg and swam towards the noise and then I saw them.

Four people floating with Merpeople surrounding them.

My heart sank as Cedric floated, his leg tied down with seaweed, with Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger next to him. His hair was like a cloud around his head and his face a sickly pale, no air bubbles were coming from his mouth. I quickly swam in an attempt to untangle him.

It was no use as the green make-shift rope was far too thick and started to make my hands bleed. I pleaded with a merperson to let me have something sharp, which he laughed at and told me that he didn't help. I started to panic and then looked around frantically. I stared at my bloodied hands and started to pull at the ropes again.

It was useless.

I looked at the shining ring on my finger, a cheap old thing. Without hesitation, I used a spell to cut the metal into a jagged edge on the long side. It took a while to cut the ropes but it was worth it as Cedric was almost freed.

As I finally hacked away the final knot, I realised that Harry was already with the rest of the hostages and had his ginger friend released from the slippery binds. I pointed at my watch rapidly to indicate that time was running out, which he gave a swift nod to.

I hauled Cedric's arm around my shoulder and swam as hard as I could, I had learnt how to swim but certainly not with another person, who was also almost double my weight. It was a long and slow process, my arms unable to function as my left arm was around his torso and the other supporting his hand on my shoulder.

His muscle mass made it hard to kick my feet for both him and I, so when it was time to get past the Grindilows again, it proved difficult. Those small little horned water demons were like pests, hard to get rid of and kept coming. "Relashio!" My voice was muffled but the spell worked as the last of the Grindilows got shot back, allowing me to finally swim away.

I checked to see if Cedric was okay and let out a sigh of relief when he was. He still wasn't breathing but some colour had returned in his cheeks.

As I swam, I had a lot of time to think. I felt guilty for even doubting him, of course, he would show up to the task...he was just considerate like that. Instead, he was just trapped down here, floating lifelessly.

I started to see the surface of the water as the light beamed into the Black lake. I pushed Cedric up first and smiled as he inhaled a sharp breath and looked around frantically.

I swam up and joined him, the bubble around my mouth and nose popped. We swam right up to the bank where the judges and crowd cheered. I was the first back?

The both of us were pulled up and wrapped in warm towels, people chanted my name loudly as Addison, Primrose, Quinn and Alex tackled me in a hug.

"We were so damn worried!" Prim gave a breathy chuckle.

"It's fine. I'm fine!" I finally spoke after they released me from a bone-crushing hold. I dashed over to Cedric, who had a bleeding cut on his ankle, probably from the make-shift ring knife I made. "Did I cut you? I'm so sorry! Are you alright?"

As I fussed over him, he frowned and took my hands and looked at them. "Why are you fussing over me?! Look at your hands!"

"Don't worry about me. Your ankle!"

"No, can you bring me that first-aid kit?" He asked a random student who was passing by.

She complied and handed him a small clear box.

Cedric opened a potion vile and poured the contents of it over my hands. It stung a little but not enough to make me show the pain. He wrapped my hands with bandages soon after and kissed my forehead.

"Can't have the angel hurt. I'll prioritise you, remember?"

I smiled and kissed him gently.

"I love you."


God, I feel like I haven't updated this book in flipping years.

Signing off~ Star 💫

Dear my very sweet angel ▸Cedric Diggory [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now