Chapter 18

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Monday 11th May
Dear my very sweet angel


I shook in my skin as Cedric stormed up to us. Cho quickly excused herself.

I looked at Jayden with a petrified look on my face. He just looked at me with an attractive smirk and looked back at Cedric.

Everyone was staring at him but he didn't seem to care.

I shrunk into my clothes as he stood in front of us.

"He's gonna hurt you! He doesn't deserve you Lillia!" He shouted. He seemed to be convincing himself as well as me.

"No he's not." I said at a much quieter volume.

"Lillia, angel, please." He begged. "Don't be with him, any one else."

"But I'm happy Ced." He softened at my nickname but still was hurting.

"Weren't you happy with me?"

He looked so vulnerable and innocent. It hurt me to see him like this.

"I was, Cedric, when I was with you, I was the happiest I ever was."

"They why?"

I looked at Jayden.

I couldn't fall in love again. Not with Cedric, not with A. No one.

Jayden was not a person I would fall in love with, yes he made me happy, yes I really liked him but Jayden was...a lot.

"I...don't know. This is too much, I can't. Deal with it among yourselves, please." I left with a hurry.

Why can't anybody be happy for me?


Only after Lillia left had I realised how much I hurt her pure soul.

"Well done mate." Jayden said sarcastically. He ran off to find his girlfriend.

I'm so sorry Lillia Hope.

I hoped she'd forgive me eventually, even if it takes a million years.

I don't know why I burst out like that, I wasn't like that, but something was just telling me to. It was as if I were a...puppet.

I thought she was the love of my life, obviously she thinks otherwise. Maybe I should move on, maybe I should just give in and date one of my supposed 'fangirls'. But there's something so special about Lillia, she wasn't easy. She was also the first love. You never forget your first love.

I wonder who Lillia's first love was. She always said how she would never fall in love again. She said that I was the exception, I wonder who hurt her that badly.

Who ever hurts her, I wanna beat them up.


I watched the whole ordeal from the comfort of the Slytherin table. He needed to calm the fuck down.

I shrugged and went back to my food. I sipped on my cup of tea.

Dear my very sweet angel ▸Cedric Diggory [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now