Chapter 27

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Thursday 16th September
Dear my very sweet angel


As. Quinn said, the girls dragged me to my room to open presents, however on the way we bumped into Cho so I invited her up with us.

We sat there laughing and talking but I couldn't help but notice that Cho looked miserable.

"You alright?" I whispered to her discreetly.

"Yeah, just a little...left out." She hesitated.

"Why didn't you just say so!" I teased. "Guys, I forgot to mention, this is Cho!"

They all waved kindly at her, making her feel welcome.

"Cho, this is Addison, Primrose, Quinn, Alex, Nellie, Veronica and last but not least, Sunny." I pointed to each girl as I did so.

I want close with Nellie, Veronica or Sunny but they were in the same friendship group as me so we talked here and there.

"Hello everyone!"

"Aw she's adorable!" Prim whispered in my ear. I smiled at her.

"Anyway! Now it's time for present opening!" Quinn announced.

"Alright but make it quick, I gotta get somewhere later." I told them.

She agreed and shoved a present in my face. "Guys!" I exclaimed. "You guys are so mean." I pouted and put the gift in my lap.

"Well, open it!"

I slowly peeled off the tape and unwrapped it. Inside the parcel was a large box which contained a copy of Hogwarts: a history.

"Aw Thanks Addi!" I gave her a tight hug and started to unwrap all the other gifts.

I received: a cute, black mini dress with little jasmine flower printed all over it from Alex, a ton of books from the muggle world from Prim, obviously the book from Addi, a cute white jacket from Quinn, a whole bunch of sweets from Nellie, Veronica and Sunny, lastly, a photo album filled with moving photographs from Cho.

"Aw you guys! Come here!" I pulled them in for a hug. "Anyway, thank you guys! I've gotta go give Cedric something really quickly." I rushed.

They waved me goodbye and walked out to the kitchens to grab Cedric's cake from the fridge.

"See ya guys!" I said to the elves.

"Bye miss Lillia!" They said as I walked out of the portrait hole.

I walked quickly to the Hufflepuff common rooms and knocked on the barrel. Vinegar sprayed out quickly and I got out of the way speedily.

A Hufflepuff climbed out of the barrel. "How can I help?"

"Sorry, I just was wondering if Cedric was there?" I asked politely, still a little shocked by the vinegar attack.

"Uh I think he's hanging with his friends, I'll see what I can do." She told me as she climbed back into the barrel.

Soon she emerged again with a happy Cedric.

Dear my very sweet angel ▸Cedric Diggory [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now