Chapter 21

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Thursday 21st August
Dear my very sweet angel


Me, Cedric and his father(Amos) started to walk through muddy territory. Getting up at the early hour of two in the morning was a little struggle but it was bearable.

I was going to the quidditch World Cup!

I wore a black skirt and a blue shirt tucked into it.  I regret wearing white shoes as I accidentally stepped in a particularly muddy spot. My outfit was complete with a white backpack, with all the essentials in it.

The previous day, my mum dropped me off at the Diggory household and as usual, she bragged.

I remember Cedric's mum being the sweetest woman alive though, not to mention beautiful.

It was honestly so embarrassing, Amos was just as competitive as my mother. They low-key argued and bragged.

"Well my daughter's gotten all outstanding at the OWLs!" My mother bragged.

I rolled my eyes at the horrid memory.

"So, Lillia, tell me a bit about yourself." Amos asked.

I looked at Cedric nervously and he gave me a reassuring smile.

"Erm well, I'm half-Japanese." I offered.

"You're father is Japanese?" He asked.

I nodded.

"Did they meet at Hogwarts then?"

"Oh no, they met when my dad came on holiday here. He's a muggle." I told him.

"Ahh, right. Well, you're just as pretty as Cedric said you were." I blushed like mad.

Cedric told his dad that I was pretty?!

"Dad!" Cedric whined.

I laughed at his behaviour. "It's alright Cedric."

"Lills!" He whined again.

We walked a little ahead of Cedric's father.

"It's alright Cedric, I guess you're kinda handsome." I teased.

"You're so mean!" He laughed.

He caught me up on his summer as I did mine.

"No way, you went to Switzerland?!" I gasped.

"Mhm, it was so fun!"

"I imagine so. Anyway-"

I was cut off by Amos announcing that we had arrived.

On the opposite side of the hill was a gaggle of gingers and two specks of brown and black.

"Amos! Good to see you!" The oldest man called out loudly.

"Arthur!" The hugged each other shortly and I greeted all of the Weasley Clan and of course Harry and Hermione.

"Good to see you guys!" I hugged Ginny and Hermione.

Dear my very sweet angel ▸Cedric Diggory [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now